Today's Post is Brought to You by the Letter C
crocheted all these caps for Hats for Haiti. The point is sun protection, obviously not for warmth.
Colorful: you bet
Cotton: of course
Committed to a Cause: Kathy c and Karen!
In other C news:
Campfire: we had one last night. :)
Cup of coffee: currently
Chicago: at its best in the summer.
C'mon over!
Cubs: catastrophic (no Crying in Baseball)
Craft: all about the cool Trapp
Care to Contribute???
Trying to think of a c word for humidity but it is too early here.
So glad I got that off my CHEST!
Cotton: Been thinking about knitting a cotton cardigan for summer.
Cat Pee: Why does it have to smell so bad and why are all those strange cats peeing on my deck?
Condolences: Lost someone I grew up with today. Drug addiction and what it does to families is CRAP.
C is for cookie. That's good enough for me.
Cookie cookie cookie start with C.