Home From the Keys
The Keys have their very own personality.
Think of vacation where dressing up means putting on a beach cover up. Gorgeous long hair, pulled back in a pony tail,
is the norm for many men.
The weather never fails you and
the colors of the ocean are poetic.
We had a great vacation.
Fireman and I went with good friends Larry and Sandy.
I took my knitting to the beach, the pool, and the patio.
I knitted and ripped a hat. Then reknitted it. Below is the start of the second try with the hat.
I finished the baby poncho pieces. I started a baby stocking cap to match the poncho.
We were to stay in a friend's condo at the resort. When we checked in they mistakenly gave us a 4 bedroom Villa with a private pool. (The numbers were reversed) When we got inside and saw the private pool we knew there was an error.
We did the right thing and called the desk and told them, and they let us stay the first night there …no charge.
The next day we moved to our reserved condo and it was just as nice, but no private pool.
Unexpected upgrades are a real thrill for us!!
Has this ever happened to you?
Glad you had a wonderful vacation!!
Glad you had an upgrade. Bet that was fun.
Hugs to you,