This and That

Little Pie broke a nail. It was sticking out and she wasn't letting us near it.  Off to the vet we went. 
Anesthetic drops are wonderful.  
She had to wear this bandage last night.
Cat's are brilliant.  She left it alone. 
I LOVE dogs but a dog would have chewed that thing off in no time without a collar. 
I could hear her thinking, "Ouch, let's not touch that paw. I'll sit quietly while they take pity on me." 

 There is a standing inside joke in our family; 
"Sometimes you get a present you didn't know you wanted."  
I didn't know I'd love a swift.  Oh swift I love you.
I've gone to bed the last two nights thinking I will frog the shawl I'm knitting.  These fun colors will be a bit wild on me….unless I wear it on the beach….with a white shirt…
What do you think?

Finally we watched THE CRASH REEL last night before Olympic coverage started. It is a powerful movie about Kevin Pierce and the Traumatic Brain injury he suffered during a training run.  
I highly recommend it.  
He has a brother with Down's Syndrome who is eloquent and able to verbalize what his whole family is feeling throughout the recovery. 


Poor Pie! Tux was terrible with the bandages on his leg (before surgery) but he's been pretty good about leaving his incision alone.

And a swift is one of the best inventions ever!
Unknown said…
Cute picture of Pie! Good kitty!

Oh yeah, a nice swift is worth every penny! So handy! I don't know what I'd do without mine.

The shawl...Well, I think it would even look stunning against a little black dress. Enjoy the colors... wear the joy!
Judy S. said…
Hope Pie is better today, poor kitty. I love my swift, too! Nice shawl, very cheerful for winter-grey days.
Anonymous said…
Awwwwwwwwww...Pie. Hope you are feeling better soon.

That is a very nice swift. They sure do come in handy.
Meredith said…
No frogging, that shawl is gorgeous. White t-shirt, jeans and you are off to the movies, dinner or a stroll on the beach in the evening. Poor baby with the nail, you are right Max would have had that off in a second and would have been bleeding everywhere.
elns said…
I'm glad that Pie is on the mend and has a sufficient amount of pity and coddling at her beck and call. I think that would make a great beach shawl, especially with the outfit you described! And yet, I am fickle, don't force it, there are so many lovely things to knit. So maybe sit on it for a bit? See how you feel? Otherwise a baby cardigan would rock with that yarn. As for Crash Reel. Watched it with the Manfriend and it was really just fantastic, indeed.
SissySees said…
Poor Pie. Sissy sends her deepest, been there, done that, sympathies.

I love that shawl. I'd wear it with a denim shirt, or any solid color in the colorway... but if you won't wear it, frog it and knit something you'll enjoy.
Nancy said…
I love my swift, too. It is a wonderful tool for any knitter.

The shawl yarn is beautiful - frog if you must, but try wearing it once. I bet you feel great wearing it.
Suburban prep said…
Kevin Pearce's father is Simon Pearce who does beautiful work with glass. He has some lovely bowls and pitchers and glasses and more at Sawbridge Studios in Winnetka. I think it is amazing all his sons have been able to accomplish.
Araignee said…
Awww....poor kitty. What a good girl to follow the doctor's orders. You are right about dogs. Been there and done that with the elastic stuff. Dogs find it delicious.
I love my swift and winder too. I could wind yarn for a living, it's that much fun.
Love those colors on the shawl. You might be surprised when it is done what you will do with it. I always end up wearing the things I don't like the most.
Celia said…
Lucky, lucky! Nice swift. Poor kitty. Hope the paw is healing up.
Katherine said…
I love the shawl! I think the blue is bold and looks like you.

Little Pie is a singular cat. Max was very dog-like about his paw injury. He chewed the collar off so he could get to it, but when we tied a sock on his leg with a big ribbon wrapped around his body and tied behind his neck, he left it alone and would hold his paw up to visitors as if to say, "Look at my booboo."

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