Spring Will Come…But First More Snow

I'm about ready for Spring.  I always have weather issues in March. 
It can snow all of December, January and February but by March, the snowy weather stinks. 
We aren't quite at baseball, and we are about crock potted out. 

I'm knitting in pretty pretty colors because the world outside my window is nearly black and white.  The once white snow is nearly black with dirt and car exhaust. 
I love all you bloggers who show us your earlier Spring.
I am excited for your gardens and your 
world awakening 6 weeks before mine. 
It gives me hope….

I'm still knitting hats because when the wind blows off  Lake Michigan spring can be very very chilly here. 

I'm knitting with an acrylic that feels like lotion is in it. 
It is so soft.  It is Eurobaby's Maypole
oh I can't wait for May. 


Judy S. said…
Possible snow is in our forecase here as well; let's hope they're all wrong! Have a good weekend.
Nancy said…
With the windchill today of -18, I share your thoughts entirely!
Jennifer said…
I love winter and I love snow. There. I said it.

I also love the surprise gift I got in the mail today. :D Thank you so much. You're too sweet.

LOVE those tulips. Are they yours or just a picture you found. Purple tulips are my all-time favorites.

Hope you have a good weekend. Stay warm and safe. This sounds like a disastrous storm coming through.

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