Somethings Fishy...

There will be no further snow images for a bit. 
(did i hear your collective sigh of relief?) :)

I do find it pretty, but I need some color. 
Fireman brought flowers home last week. 
I am really cheap and almost never buy them.
What a great treat to have them up high in the kitchen where the cats can't reach them but I can enjoy them.
 Credit to Redfly creations for The Amazing Amish Cinnamon Bread Alternative.  Every bit as good as promised.   I think Cinnamon is my favorite spice.  I love ginger too but nothing beats cinnamon for me. 
Sneak peek at my cabled sock yarn hat. 
I'm bored, ready to finish. 

Finally friends, Can you help me with fish?
I'm trying to like it more. 
Fireman loves Salmon and it is too strong for me. 
He stir fried shrimp the other night and my first bite was fishy…so that was it for me. 

He bought Cod and we will bake it one night soon. 
Cod is bland and I like it. 
Grouper is my favorite fish to eat, but it is 
very expensive. 
I like flaky mild fish, like
Walleye, very much. 
I chalk my very bland fish preferences to the Irish genes in me. 
I could eat things deep fried, but we cannot do that to my tummy. 
So any baked fish ideas from the gallery out there????


Meredith said…
Talapia is so yummy, nice and mild. I love it. Life is too short not to buy flowers every once in a while, especially tulips which I am enjoying so much.
Anonymous said…
Talapia is my favorite fish. not fishy tasty. I bake it as well as pan fry in very little butter/margarine.

Anonymous said…
I wish I could help with your fishy problem, but I do not eat fish. Not ever.

I know it is supposed to be so good for you, and I really have tried to like it, but sadly, I just don't.

Good luck with learning to like fish.
Katherine said…
We had Talapia for dinner last night. I marinate it in italian dressing or Paula Deen's BBQ sauce (last night) and sprinkle with panko bread crumbs mixed with seasoning of choice (rosemary, parmesan). It is always good without being fishy!
kathyinozarks said…
I love your flowers Kathy. I love fish but no matter how I fix it-hubby doesn't care much for it. I usually like to grill them when the summer is nice or I steam them.
You may be someone that just doesn't like fish-hugs
Nancy said…
Sorry, I can't help with your fishy question because I eat those that you do not.

Do you mind sharing the bread recipe?
Judy S. said…
Great hat! I love salmon and shrimp, but then we live in "fish country". That looks like a tasty bread; do you have the recipe?
Araignee said…
I don't eat fish either which I know is weird because I live right on the Chesapeake Bay and fish is everywhere. For the record, I don't eat blue crabs anymore either-or shrimp for that matter. When I did eat fish I only liked it cooked, very well done on the outside grill. I hate when it is all soft and mushy. It has to be crispy almost blackened on the outside and flaky on the inside. Look for Cajun recipes. They get it right in New Orleans.
gMarie said…
what about tilapia? I love it. I have a recipe for grilled cod that isn't horribly fishy. I'll dig it out for you. g
I like catfish..and salmon...I have a new recipe for salmon patties I have not tried it yet I will let you know how it goes. I like lobster but can forego shrimp but I do love crawfish!!
I make my headers with a scrapbook program called Memory Mixer, it is a fun program to work with:)
Annie Cholewa said…
Cinnamon or ginger? Ginger or cinnamon? Do you know, I don't think I could choose!
Tanna said…
Tilapia is pretty mild. I see I'm not the only one who would recommend it. ;) It appears to be a winner. I'm ready for spring color, too! blessings ~ tanna
Unknown said…
I love mild-tasting fish too, but I so rarely cook it at home. I order it off a menu in a nice restaurant!

And the flowers are just the ticket in February!!
Celia said…
I have to agree, I'm a mild fish person, too. I like talapia and cod.

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