Carol's La Boheme Scarf by Fiesta Yarns

Carol made this pretty shawl for her daughter.

It was her daughters birthday and she had lamented that her mom had never knitting anything for her.  Now she has!

This is a pretty yarn that has little bluish highlights mixed into it. 

I'm ready for the Olympics, are you?
Rooting for Gracie Gold, and Zach's doubles
tennis partner: Brian Hansen (speed skater.) 
Brian is a great guy.  Zach and Brian went to high school together and were on the Tennis doubles team one year until Brian broke his arm.  Brian medaled in the last Olympics as an underdog.  We wish him all the best in Russia.  

Don't forget to leave a comment on yesterday's post to enter my Valentine Blog contest. 


Nancy said…
I'll have to catch the Olympics on the news since I don't have cable anymore. Hopefully, some video highlights will be available for streaming.

Carol's shawl is lovely.
Anonymous said…
Good luck to Brian! We'll be rooting for him too!
Judy S. said…
Pretty shawl! Go Brian!
Katherine said…
Beautiful shawl!! Lucky daughter!

The Olympics are made for knitting. I can't wait to watch Zach's friend Brian in the Olympics. I will pray for him because I hear Sochi is not a nice place to be right now.
Donna said…
I am so ready for the Olympics! We will cheer for Brian - what a neat connection. Very pretty shawl!
Gracie Saylor said…
I'll cheer fro Brian, too! Yea for Carol's shawl, too :)
Araignee said…
Woo hoo! Let the games begin. I am ready but I'm not sure how much I will see. I fell asleep tonight before the prime time coverage was half over.
Tanna said…
How exciting to KNOW an Olympian!! Go USA!

That shawl is VERY pretty... such soft colors.

Lots of good knitting ahead with the Olympics! blessings ~ tanna

Unknown said…
That's a very pretty shawl. Lucky girl.

What a great connection to know one of the Olympian competitors... I will keep my eye out for this young man and watch the event!

I bet there will be a lot of needles clicking through the Olympics!
Meredith said…
Beautiful shawl, your friends daughter is going to be thrilled that her Mom made that for her. Go Brian!
SissySees said…
What fun! I was rooting for Brian anyway, but now I'll cheer extra.
Celia said…
I like the shawl!

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