Unexpected Benefits of Knitting

 Knit pals Karen and Carol and Kathy C. inspired me today.
Karen is knitting an entrelac wrap.  
Do you have a knit pal that makes it all look so easy?
Karen always make knitting look easy.  
She's got a brilliant mind and tons of patience….
she tells me I can complicate anything.
She's right!
Carol knits simply and I am always in awe of her color choices. 
She is knitting a shawl for her daughter in these pretty pretty colors.

Kathy C just lost her beloved brother tragically and she turned to her knitting to soothe her.   She told us today how she started winding yarn while she waited for what she knew was going to be devastating news….

Knitting does that….

it inspires
it soothes
and it creates awe. 

It isn't what I thought about when I wanted to learn the craft. 
It was all about the FINISH ed knit back then. 

Here's hoping your needles and yarn bring you 
just what you need today. 


I can't remember who said it - but I'll never forget it and it's so true for me.
"I don't knit because I'm patient... I'm patient because I knit."
I can handle anything, so long as I've got knitting.
Araignee said…
Wow.....I'm speechless and that doesn't happen often.
Gracie Saylor said…
Thought provoking observations, Kathy, and true for me as well. Knitting in community is enriching for me and those around me...and finishing projects is an added bonus :)
Nancy said…
An excellent post!

Knitting helped me transition from teaching to retirement. I haven't looked back.
Tanna said…
Amen. Amen. And, amen, Kathy. It is so much more than the finished product. blessings ~ tanna
Meredith said…
I always say that knitting soothes my soul, it has helped so much in my life.
lyle said…
I loved this post. Well said knitting does soothe the soul!
Katherine said…
My prayers are with Kathy C and her family. I know something about comfort knitting from the last few weeks. I started a prayer shawl with Malabrigo, just for comfort. I also spent an afternoon crying and winding yarn. It was such a relief that I wondered why doesn't the whole world knit? I think it would be a better place.
Unknown said…
Couldn't agree more with you and with all the gals who have left a comment. Knitting is great therapy! It really helped me through some times of anxiety too. Very nice post!!
Coralee said…
Knitting is your good friend no matter what is or isn't happening in your life. I'm blessed and thankful for all that knitting has given me.
SissySees said…
Well-said. I love that my knitting will be whatever I need it to be. A really basic cowl when I needed to busy my hands and still my mind... but at other times in my life, I've needed something complex to keep my fingers and mind happy...
Celia said…
Beautiful stated. Knitting is almost like a scrapbook. I look at something I made and think, I made this when ... was going on.

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