Hat Finish Number Two of 2014

 My Slouchy hat is done. 
I finished it just in time for the latest blast of winter cold to hit….

This is Lang yarn in a colorway
that transitions itself rather….oddly.  
 As soon as I mention the odd shadow in this image you'll think I have a bulge in my cheek in front of my ear. 
I really don't. 
For a moment there I thought I was headed to the doctor….
but Fireman, former medic, confirmed it is just a shadow. 

 Pie and Roz and Tank have all tried out the new Hello Kitty Bed on the Dining room radiator.  Someone at the shelter makes them for a donation.   I have nothing purple in my house but I could not resist the Hello Kitty bed.  It washes like a dream.  
My cats sort of play Musical Chairs all day. 
Where one sleeps in the morning, another sleeps in the same spot in the afternoon.  Do yours do this? 
If anyone needs some snow, this is just a minute portion of it in our town .   Every corner of Chicagoland is stacked with snow.   So many of you who read Irisheyes are in the midwest, but this shot is for the rest of you …..
Snow walls…..
don't fall…
all y'all


Nancy said…
The wall may not fall, but they do take FOREVER to melt!

Love the hat and the kitty bed.
Araignee said…
That kitty bed is so cute. My kitties don't sleep in beds. They insist on hiding under the beds or in the closet when they are napping. Leftover habits from their feral days I suppose.
I also love the hat. I need a new hat so badly. I have nothing that works against this kind of cold. I'm thinking of something with a double layer. I'll have it done by spring!
KSD said…
Not enough snow here to make walls, but it sure is pretty.

I really like the hat!
Anonymous said…
Love the picture of the Hello Kitty bed and a very happy occupant. Too cute.

We have had the strangest winter weather. Today it was 80* and tomorrow it won't get about 50*. Then by the weekend? Warm again!

No wonder we all have colds.
Celia said…
Very nice cat bed. So cute!
Katherine said…
I love the Lang hat! Beautiful colorway. I can just see a tiny snip of hair. When are we going to get to see the new hair style? I can't wait!!

The Hello Kitty cat bed is so cute. Macy and Max always sleep in the same place, one on my chair and one on DH's chair. They do switch occasionally just to confuse us.
Judy S. said…
Love that hat, Kathy, and so glad you finished it. The colors look fine to me. Our kitties each have their own favorite spots to sleep and do not like to share.
Gracie Saylor said…
Your latest hat is both practical and pretty, Kathy! (I'm glad it was just a shadow :) Our snow is still stacking up on Mt. Hood, but it has been raining down here in the valley. And how could you resist getting your Hello Kitty bed...I am so glad your furry friends appreciate it !
Bianca said…
No snow here still... now sunshine and freezing temperatures after weeks of rain, rain and more rain. I like the colours of the hat - an eye catcher for sure
Meredith said…
I'll take the hat, or the kitty bed (even though I don't have a cat) and you can keep your snow.
Unknown said…
Personally, I like the slouch hat patterns the best (to wear), and I think yours looks very nice. I bet it feels great in the cold!! Pie looks so darned cute in the comfy Hello Kitty bed. That wall of snow may be there a while, eh?
elns said…
Love the hat! Love the kitty in the hello kitty bed!
SissySees said…
Oooh, almost a hair photo! ;)

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