Miss Pie loves Da Bird. She cries for me to take it down from the shelf and make it fly. This is our second replacement feather. She amuses herself with this toy over and over again.
Who says cats are not playful, interactive and a busy part of a home?
As for knitting, I tested a pattern for a blog friend this week.
I cannot show it to you, but it will be well liked.
I'm not used to using so many stitch markers, but at least I'm not knitting them INto the yarn anymore. That was not amusing.
I also knitted a bit on another project I cannot show you.
Trust me, there's been knitting.
If you loved Seinfeld and need a winter boost,
look up Jerry Seinfeld's
It is an online show and Zach introduced me to it yesterday.
It made me laugh.
Anything amusing you lately?
Your kitty gives new meaning to "Pie Bird". LOL
Secret knitting? Oh my, do tell. . .
I'm not laughing at the weather forecast. I have important things to do this coming week!
Secret knitting projects...oooo...
Have you seen the "Dog-tested Subaru" commercials on TV? They are cracking me up!!!