The Made Up Vest Continues

 The oldest trick in the knit book: hold your knitting up to a treasured fit.  This is the back of the vest laid atop my alpaca vest for sizing.  
I am finished with the back and nearing the armholes on the front.
I'm so easily bored with a project this big. 
I'm ready to be done but I won't let myself cast on anything else.
For the front there is no cable, just seed stitch all the way baby! 
When oh when will I be as content as the cats 
to just sit and be and enjoy the warmth of a radiator?
Then again, they can't knit…...


Araignee said…
It's looking good!
Anonymous said…
Looks like you are right on point for size. :-)
Celia said…
That's a great trick. "Make it work." - Tim Gunn
Judy S. said…
You are getting there! Our cats love the registers, too; it's a wonder we get any heat at all! LOL
Katherine said…
Be still my heart--seed stitch on the entire front of the vest? I l-o-o-o-v-e seed stitch!! It's going to be beautiful.

Those are two happy cats, windows for bird watching and warm bums.
LouLou said…
Love how the vest is coming along! Seed stitch will totally look awesome on the front! Cute kitties too. Mine loves to window watch too but she makes the birds at the feeder a little nervous!
Gracie Saylor said…
I love the blue of your vest and will be interested to see how your seed stitch finishes it off :)
Gracie xx
Nancy said…
You are doing really well - knit on, knit on!

elns said…
I feel like that vest is going to be ... a m a z i n g.

Just like that precious picture of the cats. I want to live that good life. Cozy, with a best pal, and a pretty view :)
The kitties do look cozy!

And thank-you for your yarn order - I believe Mom shipped it out yesterday!
Meredith said…
The vest is looking great, don't give up!!! I get bored too.

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