Old Year Resolutions

I have an idea.  Let's do Old Year Resolutions; you only have to keep it for 2 days.  My old year resolution is to buy items for the animal shelter every day.  :)  

Santa brought me this adorable beautiful black cat iPhone cover. 
I think its the…..
cat's meow. 

Enjoying every second with Al home. 
We watched about an hour of the Lone Ranger and decided it was a boy movie.  Going to see Secret Life of Walter Middy today with Fireman.  

She and I have been knitting of course.  She made me watch Say yes to the Dress; watching it with her is hysterical. 
I made her watch Tia on Pitbulls and Paroles. 

Who says watching TV is an isolating activity? 

Can  you make an OLD Year Resolution for 2013?


Katherine said…
Yes, I have two Old Year Resolutions: I resolve not to eat any more chocolate and I resolve not to worry any more about things I can't control. I love it, two days of rest!
Araignee said…
I resolve to brush the doggies teeth every day and to furminate the cats at least every other day. Happy New Year!
Meredith said…
I resolve to get my Christmas decorations down! So glad you had fun with Al. We saw Catching Fire, wow a great film.
Anonymous said…
I resolve to eat all the sweets left in the house so I can resolve to NOT eat them in two days.
Mrs. Micawber said…
You're a genius! I love the idea of Old Year resolutions. I resolve to ... let's see ... give up caramelcorn. (Which will be easy because I already ate it all.)

A happy New Year to you and the Fireman, and all the knitty kitties. :)
Nancy said…
I saw "Saving Mr. Banks" and thought it was excellent. I had no idea that Mary Poppins was based on a true story. Amazing!

Celia said…
I love watching Pit Bulls and Parolees.

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