Goings on...

Goings on here at Irisheyes: 

*Geometry meet knitting : Sally's Slippers
(I'll give details when the pair is completed) 

*I BELIEVE in the magic of felting. 
But first, Another series of squares to make  the pair of slippers. 

*My best secret to share this holiday season: 
Von Maur will wrap and ship my hand picked gifts for free.
I got to shop for my sister in Minnesota at the store and they do the rest.  Just bring your picks to the register.    At no charge. ;) 

*With an artificial Christmas tree, you don't get that lovely smell.
To the rescue: Yankee Candle: red apple wreath
Christmas eve scent…..

*Last night's treat: gingerbread cake. 
It tastes like Christmas….
warm from the oven
no frosting needed…

*Today: a much needed haircut and highlights….
I'm holding my breath….
I haven't had anything done to my hair since JULY.
I'm going to a new salon….
I picked it because I really like the way a friend's hair always turns out…..
I'm bringing my knitting with…..

Santa bring me hair joy!


Kim in Oregon said…
Would you share your Gingerbread cake recipe?
Katherine said…
Best wishes for a happy hair experience! When you said you are taking knitting with, my heat jumped. I heard my Carrie's voice saying, "I'm going to the mall. Anyone want to go with...?" Our family still drops the last of the sentenced after "with" but Texans just don't get it!

Can't wait to see the finished slippers.
Anonymous said…
I just bought that Apple Wreath candle too. I had a little topper in the Christmas bin, but it had no candle. Yankee to the rescue.

I bought the apple one and Balsam/Cedar. One red, and one green. That should get me through the holidays.

Good luck with your hair. It's always a little scary trying a new stylist. I had the same one for 20 years. She wasn't doing a good job anymore so I went to a new guy. LOVE HIM and LOVE how he cuts my many cow-licked hair. I have an appt. in two weeks. CAN'T WAIT ...it's getting in my eyes. LOL
Judy S. said…
Can't wait to see the felted slipper! I like the pocket book slipper pattern also. Hope your new stylist works out for you! I am dreading the day when mine retires...
elns said…
OOoo warm gingerbread cake sounds delicious. I cannot get my hair done until after the new year. I am excited for you. I hope you like it!
Meredith said…
Hope your hair is making you smile and that you are thrilled with the results.
kathy b said…

Hahahah I Do end sentences with :"WITH" you are right.
SO happy it made you hear your Carrie. Hair came out very nice!
Suburban prep said…
I need my hair done so badly. I made an appt for next Friday. Busy time of the year. I always bring my knitting with me when I go to the hair salon.
Nancy said…
I'm cranky that Yankee Candle doesn't sell Sparkling Pine anymore: it smelled exactly like a Christmas tree. Sigh! Balsam/Cedar doesn't even begin to compare.

I love gingerbread and haven't made or eaten it in ages.
SissySees said…
How's the hair?! And yes, I think I need the gingerbread cake recipe too, please and thank you?
Gracie Saylor said…
Thanks for the Apple Wreath candle suggestion. I am going to nose around and see if I can find one :-)
Araignee said…
That reminds me, I need to make some cookies in the near future. Gingerbread men are my favorite. Glad to hear the hair worked out. Pix?
LouLou said…
Warm ginger bread cake.......omg........I can't get the thought out of my mind now. Sounds so good! Maybe with creamy whipped topping! Now see what you've started. I'm probably going to have to make some now. :-D
Nicole said…
I found my favorite hair stylist from a friend, too! Hooray for recommendations!
Celia said…
With a candle, you don't have to pick up the needles.

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