A lone little blue baby sock was in my path
yesterday.   All lonely and forlorn.
Some little baby had a cold foot... 
 I did what any self-respecting knitter would do;
I found a nearby branch and rescued it.
I filled it with leaves and made it comfortable on the branch. 
Sock Rescuer Anonymous -

Completely confidential

call 1 800 B-O-O-T-I-E-S


Katherine said…
Poor little bootie! You did a good thing by rescuing little bootie. Now someone must knit a matching sockie. I vote for you!
Sue said…
Oh I love that. Can I join? I'm already a member of Mitten Rescue Anonymous. I do the same and hang them in trees or on fences.
Nancy said…
Good for you!

I've seen shoes and hubcaps propped on fence posts but never a bootie in a tree.
Anonymous said…
It is such a nicely knitted bootie. I hope the original owner came back to find it.
elns said…
I love the picture of the sock in the tree! It looks like it's floating! Maybe you should knit booties to fill the tree? hehe.
Judy S. said…
Gosh, I hope the owner came back to claim it!
Araignee said…
So sad....I'm hoping for a happy ending thanks to your rescue efforts. Let's hope the owner reads your blog!
SissySees said…
You are so sweet and observant!!
Celia said…
I hope the owner finds it. It looks like a lot of work went into it.

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