Hooray Blogger Pictures are Back

 When I can't post I get goofy. 
I'm so happy BLogger is back to normal.
This little blog brings me so much more than I can say. 
Up first: I'm knitting socks for Fireman this weekend. 
 Zach's cake of choice this year: Tiramisu. 
Oh Three Tarts Bakery you've don't it again. 
I am enjoying birthday cake this weekend.

I'm treating dear Rosalyn because we 
adopted her years ago on the day before Halloween.
Rozzy is the sweetest cat you can imagine.
She purrs all the time. 
She loves going to the vet.
Her only fault is feline herpes which 
makes her a sneezy snotty machine. 
Her herpes used to only flair occasionally, 
but in the last year it is always around.
Herpes, the gift that keeps on giving...
Poor baby.

Rosalyn is very slow these days.
She's nearing 17 and I bought her a new radiator pad
today.  She loves a warm radiator. 
All of our cats do! 

Happy Turn the clocks back. 
I'll knit with my extra hour!
How about you?


gMarie said…
Yea so good to see you! Love that sock yarn. happy birthday to the boy, his cake looks lovely! Happy Birthday Zack, happy birthing day momma! Poor baby kitty, glad she has a warm radiator.

I *should* log a mile on the treadmill or elliptical but I'll most likely knit as well. If only I could figure out how to knit on the treadmill, hmmm . . . . .

Nancy said…
Happy Birthday, Zack!

It always takes me a couple of weeks to adjust to the time change, so I don't look forward to it.

The yarn for Fireman's socks is great - I love those colors together.

Happy Knitting!
Kim in Oregon said…
Happy Birthday! And the radiator warmers are a wonderful kitty idea. We have plain old vents and our cat Jessie Cat lays on top of one to warm her tummy.
Anonymous said…
Roz is so pretty! Happy birthday to her.

The time change is my absolutely favorite thing. I love snuggling in earlier in the evening and cooking all those winter comfort foods.

I WILL watch football and knit with my extra hour!
Suburban prep said…
Happy Birthday!

Love Three Tarts. It is where my wedding cake came from.
I think we will get a little cake for our 15th anniversary in the middle of the month from there.

Love the colors of the socks.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Gracie Saylor said…
Hmmmm we may be using our extra hour to catch up on sleep lost with all the celebrating of baby Rose's birth :)
Gracie xx
Bridget said…
I like the yarn colors of the sock - looks nice and fall-ish. And that cake looks sooooo yummy!

Pretty kitty! I'm glad she is cozy and happy on her new pad.

Please give all the kitties a kiss from me.
Meredith said…
Happy Birthday Zach, happy warm radiator sweet kitty and great socks.
Judy S. said…
We have a Halloween cat, too! Brought Mocha in from wandering outside that day six years ago. Hope Zach had a great birthday; his cake looks very yummy! Nice socks that look like they are well on their way. Knit on!
What a pretty cat. My kids would kill for radiators like that. We have electric heat, but they are baseboards that don't make good cat shelves. They are stuck with stealing the warm spot on the couch whenever I get up.
Mrs. Micawber said…
Happy birthday to Zack and happy radiator-ing to Rozzy. Gorgeous socks!
SissySees said…
Feline herpes? Who knew?!

I love tiramisu too. I think I shall instruct the Knight to find a bakery that will make such for my birthday next year.

I'm struggling with the time change. It will be worse tomorrow after work when I try to get in 2 miles with the dogs before dark and then get to the firehouse for a scouting pub ed by 6:30. I don't do pub eds. I'm a life member.

And I'm a sucker for friends with kids who love fire trucks.
Araignee said…
What a sweet kitty perched on that radiator.
Love those socks. That color looks fun to knit.
That cake has made me want to go eat something bad and I've thrown away all the extra Halloween candy. I'll have to raid The Mister's stash.
elns said…
Is it just me or does Rosalyn match the fireman's socks a bit?

I'm so intrigued by tiramisu cake, but I love tiramisu so it's not surprising huh?
Celia said…
I haven't see a cake like that. It looks really good.

I had a cold for the time change, so I just slept.

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