This and That

I made up the gansey portion of this hat.  I copied parts of a sweater pattern and left out other parts of it. 
I also went to my Lantern Moon needles...
much better!  No wooden splinters yet.
Swap details tomorrow. 
The little shoe below is a Walgreen's find.  It is a back to school pencil sharpener.  Do I need this ? No! 
My friend Rita has a sister who has Down's Syndrome. 
Her sister likes to "take" things from Rita's daughter's bedroom.  She loves pens and note pads and chapstick~
I had to buy this for her. 

Fireman almost got skunked last night in our yard.  Thank you skunk for showing some restraint.  Fireman would have had to call in sick today if things had gone another way.    

and Finally today: Let's talk about those dirty babies. 
Apparently the vernix which begins to form months before a baby is born, helps coat the baby during the birthing process.  This helps the baby slip out.  It is supposedly very good for the skin and the WHO and all those committees say it is good for the baby.   It also helps keep the baby warm after delivery.  I don't care; once the baby is out it is slippery enough and it is time for clothes in our society. 
Let's not even start with the placenta thoughts days!


SissySees said…
Thanks for the dirty baby education. I still think that a slippery baby is a safety issue, so... hem. ;)

So glad Fireman didn't get skunked! We had a close call as we turned onto the woods trail earlier this summer, but thankfully the girls didn't see the skunk and obeyed when I ordered them to keep walking up the road!
Unknown said…
The hat is coming along. Nice! I have drooled over Lantern Moon needles but have not purchased any. I do love working with wooden needles though...they are my favorite in every size.

Cute shoe. And glad Fireman escaped the dreaded skunk. Yikes, that's pretty scary.

I found the info on the baby rather interesting, but I would side with you.
Katherine said…
Congrats Fireman! We also have narrowly missed the dreaded skunk funk, but the dogs still can't figure out that they should run in the opposite direction. Did you know that tomato juice turns a JRT's fur pink for weeks? We have learned other methods since the tomato juice fiasco!

Dirty babies--WASH THEM!! And the placenta thing is right up there with the birthing plan thing to my way of thinking! I guess I am just old school.
Nancy said…
Yikes - sure glad Fireman didn't get skunked! I've come close a few times myself. I don't care what "they" say tomato juice does NOT help neutralize the smell. Enough said.

Celia said…
I love the little shoe and your friend will, too. The hat is coming along nicely.
Sue said…
Love all the hats. I like knitting hats because I like instant gratification. Right now I'm knitting a fiddly little bunny that's taking much longer than it should. Could that be because I have a dog on my lap and I have to knit around her?

I'm with you, clean those kids up.
karen said…
love the cable detail of the project! so lovely :)
Anonymous said…
I used to work for a company where the employees got skunked regularly. It was MISERABLE.

Apparently skunks like to nest in bales of insulation. :-(

Glad Fireman avoided the mess.
Judy S. said…
I'll take a clean baby any day! Glad FM avoided the skunk, for you and him. Another fun hat!
elns said…
I rarely knit on straights anymore. Even straight scarves and shawls somehow end up on circs. I think b/c they are easier to shove in a bag? I will have to check out these Lantern Moons though.

Anyhow, I can't with the no immediate baby wash. Keep your babies and your Firemen clean ;)
Araignee said…
Next they will be putting that baby goo in a jar and selling it.
Love the hat. I need to make one. I hate the one I wore last year.
Meredith said…
Love the purple show pencil sharpener, and for babies, they need to be cleaned up. Nice skunk!
Lynn said…
Glad Fireman avoided the skunk! I've never been near one to have to worry abt such things. We just have gators and coral snakes and black widows to worry abt!!

And not cleaning the baby after it's born. How long do you wait? A day? A couple of days? At least rinse the baby off!! These are the same ppl who eat the placenta. I had a friend who froze hers and planned on planting a tree in the backyard with it as fertilizer. She forgot it when she moved and I'm really really hoping whoever moved in threw it out!!!
Tanna said…
That hat is going to be great!! And, I love the purple slipper pencil sharpener. You're a doll to get it for your friend's sister.

Hmmmm. Next thing you know they'll find a reason to safe the meconium. Ugh.

blessings ~ tanna

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