Sir Chico tried his sweater on this weekend. This was the Linus Sweater( free pattern on Ravelry.) I knit it up in Virginia. Perfect fit!!!

I love breakfast. I love hot breakfast. I just don't like having to cook breakfast. So I made overnight french toast Saturday before I went to sleep. Mmmm, delish.
Wait was this clear? I made it but I didn't bake it until Sunday morning...
I also have gone back to drinking some soda...
yup. I knew having ONE on my birthday would sink the ship.....
oh well I'll try to contain it. I felt so TIRED without my coke......
So I lasted 10 weeks without a soda. I think what killed it was meeting up with an old friend who was a soda addict too. She surprised me when she said she gave up all soda a year ago. I don't think she lost any weight however. That was the whole point of my quitting.
I can honestly say I was CRABBY not having my coke. Hmmmmmmmm......
thoughts? scoldings? There, there's....
I'm up for any of it today! Cause I ate a good breakfast..
Oh, you can do it up soda. Come on, girl. Think of it as reaching for better (healthier; less dependent) choices!
I don't point a finger about the soda because that means I have FOUR pointing back at ME.
I tried to contact you via Ravelry, but I cannot find your profile now? What happened? Can you please contact me? I'd love to send you a little somethink!
BUT, I'm getting back on. I know that the artificial sweeteners are not good for ME.
Tomorrow is another day .... a soda-free day for me. I'll be substituting iced tea and water.
Chico's sweater is ADORABLE. He looks quite satisfied.
Too funny about the sodas. The two men I know who gave up sodas are bigger than ever, interestingly enough. ;)