Sir Chico tried his sweater on this weekend.  This was the Linus Sweater( free  pattern on Ravelry.)   I knit it up in Virginia.  Perfect fit!!!

I realized something this weekend: 

I love breakfast. I love hot breakfast.  I just don't like having to cook breakfast.  So I made overnight french toast Saturday before I went to sleep. Mmmm, delish.  
Wait was this clear? I made it but I didn't bake it until Sunday morning...

I also have gone back to drinking some soda...
yup. I knew having ONE on my birthday would sink the ship.....
oh well I'll try to contain it.  I felt so TIRED without my coke......

So I lasted 10 weeks without a soda.  I think what killed it was meeting up with an old friend who was a soda addict too. She surprised me when she said she gave up all soda a year ago.  I don't think she lost any weight however.  That was the whole point of my quitting.  

I can honestly say I was CRABBY not having my coke.  Hmmmmmmmm......

thoughts?  scoldings?  There, there's....
I'm up for any of it today!  Cause I ate a good breakfast..


Unknown said…
Chico's sweater is really cute; looks like a perfect fit!!

Oh, you can do it up soda. Come on, girl. Think of it as reaching for better (healthier; less dependent) choices!
Celia said…
That's an adorable sweater!
Araignee said…
That sweater is just perfect. I wish I could make one that fit me as well. As for the soda, life is too short. All things in moderation.
Nancy said…
Love the sweater. Thanks for posting the photo of the recipient, too.

I don't point a finger about the soda because that means I have FOUR pointing back at ME.
elns said…
No scoldings here! You know you can do it, so if anything, I'm with Arainee and try some moderation/balance. You did great! I am so behind on the blogs! Did you say it was your birthday?!?

I tried to contact you via Ravelry, but I cannot find your profile now? What happened? Can you please contact me? I'd love to send you a little somethink!
Katherine said…
I had no idea you quit drinking soda to lose weight. That didn't work for me. I tried it and just ended up eating other stuff to make up for my Cokes! I know there are other health issues but I think I eat healthy, exercise enough and try to reduce stress so I was feeling like, "What? You want me to stop drinking Cokes too?" Nope!
Meredith said…
Love the dog sweater, and no scolding. Life is too short not to enjoy a soda now and again. I personally don't like soda so I never drink it but I am sure I do other things like eat chocolate.
Anonymous said…
Soda .....what the heck makes it so tempting???? I fell off the wagon myself lately.

BUT, I'm getting back on. I know that the artificial sweeteners are not good for ME.

Tomorrow is another day .... a soda-free day for me. I'll be substituting iced tea and water.

Chico's sweater is ADORABLE. He looks quite satisfied.
zach said…
I was really hungry and tried it in the fridge on saturday night. It tasted like soggy egg bread....maybe would have been better once cooked up....
kathy b said…
Zach ....OMG I hope your joking. I must make more treats for you whilst you live at home! momma
SissySees said…
Chico is a great model. Love the sweater too - green!

Too funny about the sodas. The two men I know who gave up sodas are bigger than ever, interestingly enough. ;)

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