Saturday Summary

 Thank you Ellen for the awesome Budgie colored yarn and the stitch markers.  GO HAWKS!  Ellen you kept my Birthday going.  What a fun surprise in the mail today.  I'm overwhelmed with my blog pals generosity.  

I had a Budgie named for Ernie Banks.  Ellen didnt' know this.  Ernie was the first pet that was really mine.  He lived to be 14.....which is Ernie's number.  
Some other week wrap ups:

*As I potato chip knit more gansey hats, It has occurred to me I should finish the 3 that are ready.  I've been avoiding the seaming up the back.....

*Finally: I bit the dentist's finger during my root worries Im up to date on my rabies..just very embarrassed!


SissySees said…
Heh. I'm sure your dentist has been bitten before! I'm glad the birthday love continues.
Anonymous said…
Pretty yarn! Someone knows what you like. :-)
Judy S. said…
Great color! What are you going to make with it? Have a nice holiday weekend, Kathy.
Meredith said…
How the heck did you bite the Dentist's finger? That one made me laugh out loud.
Hugs to you Kathy and Happy Weekend,
Araignee said…
Love that Wandering Cat yarn!
Nancy said…
I think that is an occupational hazard for dentists and part of the reason they wear gloves. ;oD

Love the turquoise yarn - lovely.

Enjoy your long weekend.
elns said…
You're welcome. Thanks for being you Kathy and sharing it with the rest of us. I have such a DDS phobia right now, serves them right, in my irrational mind. So funny!
Tanna said…
LOL! I'll bet that dentist was glad you were up on your rabies vaccine. LOL! (hee hee).

Love it when a birthday celebration goes on and on...

Hope you are enjoying a relaxing and wonderful Labor Day weekend. blessings ~ tanna
Celia said…
Nice markers! So cute!

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