Paved With Good Intentions

 There have been some attempts with good intentions to expand my knitting skills this summer. 
ahem.....I have not succeeded ...yet

*I was going to knit a lace sock with Channon's yarn and I gave up after a few inches.

*Karen gave me a vest pattern and Believed in me...and I didn't even cast on for it. 

*I started a baby sweater I haven't even told you about and I'm giving up...

*All's not lost however.  I learned a few things along the way. Somehow I am not discouraged in the least! 

I can knit lace: I can't correct my mistakes however, and I do make mistakes.  This involves too much ripping for me. 

I have more sock weight yarn than anything else in my stash.  If I knit in a simple rib pattern I can see immediately when I've made a mistake.

Although I love miles and miles of boring garter I inevitably make a mistake in sock weight and find it late....very late... so late that to pick up the stitch is not an option. 

So if I knit in a bigger weight I can knit garter and catch my mistakes. 
If I knit in sock weight and I knit ribbing I can avoid mistakes.  
These are aha' knit moments for me! 

I'm finishing a vanilla sock today. 
Then I have half a mind to cast on something totally entirely completely knew for me in the knit world....
you have to wait to hear about it. 

I had a birthday Coke and have not completely caved in to soda goodness. I managed to have JUST one and carry one.  However:

There is a Yogen Fruz store in a nearby town. This town is where my dentist fixed my crown all summer.  
We had a little issue again this week and my mouth was sore.....
I get very nervous at the dentist. The sound of the drill makes me tense beyond necessary. I think I could take a bullet better than that  drill...But I dont want to test that theory. 

So after the dentist, I treated myself to a Yogen fruz shake. I figure it is healthy....
and it has markedly less fat than ice cream or a malt from other places. 

MMmmmmmmmm, amazingly good. 

So we carry on here at Irisheyes and we 
have good intentions!! 

(Pie update: she's fearless.) 


Nancy said…
It's okay to try new things and decide they are not for you. You are the commander of you needles, so if something doesn't work, move on to what does.

I love to knit Plain Jane socks - easy knits and comfy to wear: I can knit lacy ones, I just don't. I admire the lacy socks that others knit but continue on with my comfy pattern.

Frozen yogurt is one of my favorite treats - yummy!
SissySees said…
Pi makes my hear sing. Maybe it's the blind connection, but it could also be her spirit of adventure.

Knitting? I used to knit... hem. It's a hobby, hon. There are no have tos or shoulds. Your spirit of adventure is admirable too!
Katherine said…
I make mistakes on lace too but I don't go back and correct them. The mistakes just become part of the design. Now when I give a shawl, scarf or socks to a family member they immediately search for the mistake(s).

Applause, applause on not drinking sodas. I quit caffeinated soft drinks and now drink diet caffeine free Coke. DD asked why I don't just put brown food coloring into water and I said because food coloring is bad for you!
Judy S. said…
Hope that dentist visit wasn't on your birthday!!! Knit what YOU want; it's your yarn and your needles, plus, You are in charge. Good job trying stuff though!
Meredith said…
You deserved a treat on your Birthday and certainly after the dentist, hope your mouth is much better today.
Meredith said…
Knit what you like, take a challenging project and do a bit at a time, but always have an easy one to fall back on for days you just need to have less stress in your life. Hugs to you,
Celia said…
I'm with ya babe! I do not knit lace. Too many frustrations.
Anonymous said…
I think a treat after the dentist is TOTALLY understandable! I HATE the sound of the drill, even if it is NOT me gettting drilled. The sound just gives me chills.

Nicole said…
I love that kitten! So cute.
Araignee said…
I'm not a big fan of the dentist either and have spent way too much time (and money) on them since The Mister knocked my front tooth out with a hockey puck many moons ago. I taught all day with my missing front tooth and not one of my first graders even mentioned it. True story.
Tanna said…
Finding out what we don't like to do gives a clearer picture of the things we DO love to do... life's short, enjoy the ones you do.

I've been on the trouble with crown train this summer, too. Bummer! ;)

I'll be looking forward to hearing what you are knitting! blessings ~ tanna

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