Little Things; Big Difference

We wanted a fountain for the yard.  For 60 bucks we couldn't make one on our own for less.  The sound of the water as I sit by the porch is magical. 

Now here are 10 things I want you to know today; 

*Ellen at THELLENREPORT.blogspot com is having a stitch marker give away in honor of Labor Day weekend.  Go on, leave your ravelry address or email with her.  

*Zucchini bread tastes even better with a dollop of whipped cream cheese

*I changed up my wooden needles for my next gansey hat; so far so good.  Jury is still out however

*I live in a town of more than 50,000 people but when the kids go back to school it is like a ghost town until 3 pm.

*I'm learning that teachers are as tired as children after school :) . Como no

*There is a new movement not to wash a newborn after it is born.  I'm old school. That's just gross

*I know the Hawk in our area made a kill today because all the birds that hang out in the yard are hiding this of Life I say.  I love hawks. 

*Magpie's are of the most intelligent animals in the world. GOogle it. It's true. I'm glad the animal hospital people named little Pie. She is very smart indeed. 

*Last year at the time we were awed by Yosemite.  The fires there are as big as Chicago they say.  Poor Smokey the Bear...

and finally: 

*I'm thinking of a swap.  Anyone interested?


Nancy said…
I love the sound of water bubbling in a fountain.

Yes, teachers get very tired by the end of the day. How was Zach's first day in his own classroom?

I would love to join the swap - sign me up!
Grace said…
I am all in for a swap!!
Bridget said…
Love the fountain!

I'm glad Pie is named Pie as well. She is such a sweetie, please kiss her for me.

And yeah, I am probably interested in some kind of swap ...
Katherine said…
*Beautiful fountain.
*I will try cream cheese on zucchini bread.
*Not wash newborns? I can't wrap my head around that, and I can't grasp this new "birthing plan" stuff. Isn't the old way to have a baby good enough?
*I love hawks too and we have some beautiful hawks swooping through out back yard looking for a meal.
*Yes to a swap. I'm coming out of my work funk and will be back among the living!
SissySees said…
Love the fountain. Sissy broke mine.

What's the logic behind NOT washing the newborn?

Maybe on the swap. Timing is everything.
Meredith said…
I love the sound of running water bubbling up, you must be loving sitting on the porch even more than before. I love hawks, for some reason they dive right in front of me when I am driving, my friend tells me to expect an important message when that happens. I am glad Pie is with you! And yes we need to wash the newborn, that is gross and can't be all that healthy.
Sarah said…
I'm in for a swap and LOVE the fountain.

my emails is

ktssarahh at gmail dot com
Alyssa said…
I would do a swap too!

Also, I love Magpies too :) Did you know I fed and handled hawks when I was in highschool as part of my community service?
Unknown said…
The fountain ...oh, I love the sound of water trickling over little obstacles! Nice addition!

I, too, am wondering about the logic behind not bathing a newborn. Really?!!

Yes, I'm sure Zach wondered what hit him after his first long day with kids! LOL! It can be exhausting! I'm sure hoping he enjoyed it, nevertheless.

Anonymous said…
Zucchini bread toasted with butter. YUM!

Yes, when I was substitute teaching I was exhausted at the end of the day and I ALWAYS showered to get the day off me before taking a short nap.
Araignee said…
That fountain is glorious!
Yes, teachers are very tired this time of year. I'm so glad I am a former teacher. I don't have that kind of energy anymore.
Our beach town is also deserted which is sad. The weather here has been lovely for the past few weeks so for once I am hating to see summer go.
Ewwww....for the dirty newborns. I can't even imagine why that would be a good idea.
Leslie said…
Count me in for the swap! (and cream cheese on anything!)
Judy S. said…
Great fountain! Isn't the sound of water nice? Count me in for the swap!
elns said…
Thanks for the shout out, lady. I'll join your swap of course. I like the idea of water running by a porch. Your yard/porch always sounds magical to me. I am amazed by teachers. I can barely handle my own ONE child.

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