Art Appreciation Day

 Have you seen the new cycling US Postage Stamps?
I love the way the artist captured the different cyclists. 
I had to buy them given Fireman's love of cycling.

(Are you Knitting to the Tour De France?
The Tour de Fleece as they say in the knit world?

I never have....but I might this year.  
Fireman starts everyday of the month long race watching the events on cable.  
It is a summer tradition. 
Even though lots of them are cheaters.....
we still watch...)
This amazing chalk art was created in California 
recently.   This dog was my favorite 
creation of the event.  

In my tiny world,  art consists of stick figures,
and lots of knitting. 

Zach has inherited my uncle and my sister's art gene.
Maybe I can get him to let me take a picture of his sketches..

I got the only D of my school life in art.  
(and I tried, I really did!) 
Haha.  Now I think it is very funny. 
If only I could have written the art with words....
but it doesn't work that way does it?

Anyone else get a D in art?


Katherine said…
I got an A in art and did a lot of sketching as a young adult, but the art gene seems to have shriveled up and died. I was trying to sketch a pattern a few days ago and couldn't draw a straight line. I would love to see Zach's drawings!
I was actually very unhappy to receive a B in drawing. It was my first semester at design school and I wanted to get straight A's. I approached the drawing teacher the first day and told her of my concern. She didn't comfort me in any way and said basically that if I couldn't draw... I wouldn't get an A. I didn't. :)

Blessings, Debbie
SissySees said…
I didn't get a D... but I can't even draw a stick figure. My half sister is VERY talented, or was... she hasn't drawn or painted in years.

I am spinning for the Tour this year. Or should I say... I signed up to do said spinning. I'm generally pretty accountable, so we'll see how this works out for me.
elns said…
Summers in your household seem so dreamy Kathy. I can't draw. Even as a child, I drew the same 4 things over and over. oh well. We have the knitting right? And you're right. those stamps are awesome.
Mrs. Micawber said…
LOVE the cycling stamps! :)

I wonder if there are any crochet-related Tour events out there? We follow the TdF sort of haphazardly (no cable, and it does get frustrating with everyone on performance-enhancing drugs). But drugs or no, the idea of all those riders completing so many miles in such a short time - it never loses its magic.

I don't remember what I got in Art - my drawing talent is sporadic at best. :)
Nancy said…
Art was not offered when I was in school, so I've never had any training. I loved to draw when I was younger but never as an adult. My artistic ability is very limited.

kathy b said…
CHannon...spinning for the tour this year WOW

kathy b said…

You are so funny SUmmers are kind of dreamy here because the Kids are grown! we had fun when they were growing up, but it was a wild time.
LOts of swimming at the local pool. lots of reading with the local library summer game events and lots of walks with the dog in the woods.
Anonymous said…
The only way you could get a D in my art class was to either not show up for class OR really be a jerk and not even TRY to make the art.

If you tried, you got at LEAST a C.

I couldn't draw to save my life, but I was pretty good at sculpting and our "re-cycled" art.
Caroline said…
OMG! I had not seen those stamps, and my husband is a bicycle fanatic. As I look up from my laptop, as I sit on the couch, I see the crank on the dining room table, some shifters on my hutch, and a pair of handle bars on the top of the hutch that he has been planning to sell for at least six months. So, I have to get him those stamps. They're awesome.

We always watch the Tour de France, but I've never done the Tour de Fleece. Maybe I will this summer. Our summer is still a little up in the air with our little injured doggy. We don't want to leave him with our college-aged kids for too long.

While I'm being longwinded, the only D I ever got was in a history class my freshman year of college, and I DESERVED it, something about not studying for test until the last minute.
Marguerite said…
Don't remember what I got in art, but I do remember getting a D in phys ed. It didn't seem fair to have a non academic subject bring down my GPA.

Congrats to your two kids on their new degrees. You have a lot to be proud of.
Lynn said…
How do you get a D in art??? That must have been a REALLY hard art class! Here as long as you do the assignments the best you can, that's what you get graded on, not your ability as an artist. Same is true in PE. As long as you show up and dress out, you will get an A. Thank goodness because I coudl NOT hit a softball to save my life!!!

And btw, knitting IS art!
kathy b said…
awww thanks to all of you! THe D was while I was in the Catholic grammar school .....and I did try!!
I was just kind of awful...
never missed an assignment etc! Funny how that kind of negative reaction to your personal creativity sticks around!!!

Nicole said…
I won't be knitting for the Tour de Fleece, but I think I will spin for it. :) Those are cool stamps!
Gracie Saylor said…
No D in art, Kathy, but physics and music theory were anther story. Had not seen the neat stamps and have only gotten glimpses of TDF through the years, but I admire those who complete such amazing races...especially because I can not even ride a bike!!!
Celia said…
I can't draw to save my life, but hubs was an art major and is extremely gifted. Thankfully, Lydie got her father's gift of drawing.

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