What Would You Knit?

 The Casbah is calling my name.  

So here's my dilemma.  Should I knit a pair of amazing socks with the Casbah or should I knit a pair of long fingerless gloves with it?  Please chime in. 

 Beatles loves to be in the yard now that the warm weather is here.  My pretend dog.......  
Discovered these goldfish treats at the store the other day......the best part is you get 52 pieces for 4.5 grams fat.  It is a mix of graham,  chocolate and tiny white marshmallow fishies.  They are just okay....
I'm crazy for marshmallows lately.....My pretend dessert.....


Meredith said…
I say mitts, the yarn is too beautiful to be hid on your feet.
Gracie Saylor said…
Hmmmm, I was going to type socks....but Meredith has a good point. :-)
Gracie xx
Sarah said…
I'd go with fingerless gloves but then, I'm not a huge hand knit sock wearing kind of gal!

Pretty yarn.
elns said…
I say fingerless mitts, too. I have a pair in that color, and they go with everything, and make me happy.

Have you seen the flat rectangle smores shaped marshmallows? I feel like you could get creative Kathy!
Nancy said…
Knit whatever you will use the most so you get the most pleasure out of the beautiful yarn. Personally, I would knit socks.
fancystitching said…
Personally, I would knit socks because that is what I would use the most in Louisiana... not much need for gloves/mitts here (and I forget to put them on when there is a need. I get to the car and then realize, I should have picked up my mitts!). So which would YOU use most often in Chicago? Do you NEED another pair of socks, of the mitts more? Of course sometime it is not about NEED, but a need to KNIT something fun. Keep us posted on what you decide!
Araignee said…
Mmmmm...marshmallows. I used to keep a tea lite warmer on the kitchen island and roast some to make s'mores for a treat. I need to do this again. Soon.
Mitts or socks? I'm voting for mitts too since that blue is too much of an attention grabber for feet.
Anonymous said…
I think you know before you even finish reading my comment ----- SOCKS!!!!

The goldfish snacks look delicious.
Nicole said…
I've been on a mitts kick latey, though either would be lovely!
Celia said…
I have never tried those goldfish. I will look for them.

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