Joyful Wednesday

 My sister got her MACH this weekend in Agility. She has a great German Shepard,. Quetzal. (rhymes with Pretzel) Dog lovers will recognize this amazing accomplishment.  She also got a Mach on her last Gordon Setter who is now passed.  She's my sister the veterinarian.  I'm proud. 

I've been wanting to get a dog/or puppy for awhile now. 
Fireman is not in the same camp.  I think I am in love with the thought of a dog/puppy.  There were so many dogs at the Memorial Day parade.   Alas, it takes two to get a dog in this house.  It is not fun if everyone is not on board.  I am making a list of 100 reasons not to get a dog.  I have to convince myself. 

On my days off a dog would be wonderful, but the reality is that I work 3 days a week.  Those 3 days don't work with a dog......
I will have to get my dog JOY from your blogs and your dogs.....

We love rice krispie treats in this house.  My secret trick is to spray the stove pan with Pam thoroughly before adding any butter or marshmallows.  IT makes the clean up a snap.  Joy oh joy, I added m and m's to this batch. 

My shawl knitting is Joyful even though I have to pull back a few rows today.  I love the pattern because there are no stitch markers required;all the changes occur in rows not in stitches across the needles.  The error occurred when I dropped a few stitches last night, not because of pattern reading.  For those who asked the yarn is Cashbah and its a joy! 

Wishing you some joyful moments today; and don't anyone tell Beatles about the dog thing, he's pretty close to having a dog anyhow. 


SissySees said…
Many congrats to your sister and her beautiful dog! I still think about vet school... but I am old and I feel the market is tight...

It is tough when you're not on the same page. Knight still wants a house pony - er, Saint Bernard. Gg says no. Live long and fight my battles for me, wee one...
Meredith said…
I know you are missing your dog, and Cats are so wonderful, but they aren't dogs. I say keep working on Fireman, he just might surprise you.
Anonymous said…
Yes ... you could walk Beatles in the parade. ;-)

Dogs are great, but a LOT of work too. Have you thought maybe about fostering a dog to give someone a break. Our SPCA has emergency foster families for when the regular foster families need to go somewhere or have an emergency. You foster for one or two nights at a time.
Unknown said…
Congrats to your sister and her dog. Wonderful!!! Those rice crispie bars look so delicious, and because they remind me of how much I like them too, I might have to mix up a batch! Adding the m&m's looks like a great idea. They are such great summer treats!

Sounds like you are progressing on the beautiful blue shawl. Looking forward to another look at it.
elns said…
Must ... make ... rice ... krispy ... treats.
Katherine said…
DH and I were in the same place before we got Macy. He did NOT want another dog so finally I asked for one as a Christmas present. How could he refuse. What happened after that is classic! He fell in love with Macy and she became HIS dog. Yeah sure!!

I agree with Dee that you should walk Beatles in parades. You would get standing ovations all along the way!!
Nancy said…
Kudos to your sister!

Offer to dog-sit sometime and the Knight might be persuaded to change his mind after that experience.
JudyM said…
You could try fostering a dog as a "try-out". I once went to the shelter after work and came home with a cat. Honey, guess what I brought home-to his credit-he loved the little guy who is no longer with us.
Araignee said…
No dog joy here. My last two have been a terrible expense and a load of work. I love them to death but they won't be replaced. Dogs are wonderful animals but unless you have unlimited time, money and patience you are not doing them or yourself a favor.
Your sister is awesome. You must be so proud!
Toni said…
I thought about getting a dog when I bought my first house, but they are SO much work! We ended up with a surprise compromise. Theo, our shelter kitty, is an amazingly dog-like cat. Our vet thinks he's part Maine Coon, and aside from not being exactly thrilled when he "helps" me dig in the garden, he's really sort of the best of both worlds. No barking, but not neurotic. :)
LouLou said…
Congrats to your sister! That's quite an accomplishment!! I've been trying to do agility with my crew here for years...I run the course and jump the jumps and they watch me!! So far I haven't been able to get a single one of them to jump or do the weave poles. They do like the tunnel though, so maybe there's hope yet. LOL When you have a sister that's a vet I'm pretty sure you are required to have a dog!! ;-)
Tanna said…
Congratulations to your sister! I'm keeping the dog dreams a secret from Beetles. ;) blessings ~ tanna
Allison said…
Maybe when dad retires...
Nicole said…
I never would have thought to spray Pam on the stove... huh. Neat trick.
Lynn said…
Oh those rice crispy treats look yummy!! Havent made them in years!!! May have remedy that.....
Lynn said…
Those rice crispy treats look amazing! I havent made them in years! May have to remedy that....
Celia said…
What a gorgeous dog!

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