Wonderful News

Lynn who knit with Al and I years ago, and has been an Irisheyes 
reader for years,
has adopted Fixie and Bonk. 
She takes those two adorable boys home tomorrow. 
We are thrilled. 


SissySees said…
Yay!! Nothing like sending your foster kids home with a friend.
Nancy said…
What fun!
Unknown said…
Great news. Nice to know they are going to a good home!! They are so cute!
Katherine said…
Such good news!! I adore Fixie (and I'm not a cat person). They are both so cute they deserve a good home!!
Anonymous said…
Awwww. I'm sure you'll miss your boys. Glad they found a good forever home.
Toni said…
YAY! Glad the cuties found a good home.
Nicole said…
Hooray! Happy homes make happy cats.
Celia said…
She got some cutie kitties!

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