Things I Love:

I love Kathy C's new sweater.  She knit up a real beauty.  It was from a kit called Dawn.
I want to knit this sweater...someday.   The Drape is just lovely. 

We were all knitting together when we heard there was white smoke from Rome.  We hurried home and got the wonderful news of a new Pope.   This St. Francis fan is thrilled. 
Perhaps this Pope will let CCD teachers tell children animals go to heaven. My children were very upset when a teacher told them their pets don't go to heaven.  

 Karen is selling these locket necklaces.  I want to buy one and put a piece of my wedding dress lace inside it.....(saw that on Pinterest) and I loved it.  
I love having gone back to knitting my socks yesterday.

I had to take a break from the shawl as the metal needles were hurting my hands/wrists.   
As soon as I picked up the tiny size 1 wooden double points my whole body relaxed....
I felt it ...seriously.  
I"ve been away from socks for a good month or two..

I LOVE knitting socks....

and I LOVE when you comment...
makes my day.  


gMarie said…
Oh I love knitting socks too so I can relate to relaxing at the feel of the needles in your hands.

I certainly hope pets go to heaven. I mean, how could then not? Your friends sweater is lovely. g
Meredith said…
Love the locket, I think I tense up when I have size 1 needles in my hands and relax with size 6 and up. Funny isn't it?
SissySees said…
Does she sell the lockets? I love a locket...

I was so blessed; I had Sr. Joanne and my own godfather for CCD. (I mean... there were others, but those two were SPECIAL.) I'll never forget Sr. Joanne telling us, "Oh honey, I knew I'd never be happy with just one man. That's why I became a nun; now I can love 'em all!"

Why yes... we were discussing the different KINDS of love...
Unknown said…
Yes, isn't it interesting how we have a "go-to" project that just feels relaxing in our hands? I used to like the bigger needles, but my current favorites are size 2 and 3.
kathy b said…
Nancy had trouble commenting this a.m. Hope no one else does
Celia said…
I know I have pets in heaven and no one can tell me differently.

I absolutely love love that locket!
Katherine said…
Does the sweater yarn have sparkles in it? I love yarn with sparkles!! AND I love that locket. I can think of a lot of different things I would put inside.

I have been away from knitting socks for too long. I started a pair and put them aside to knit for the soon-to-be baby, but my knitting spirit needs to get back to sock knitting.
Nicole said…
That is a lovely sweater! And the locket idea is pretty neat, too.

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