THe SEXY Knitter pattern GIFT Giveaway

The Sexyknitter at

Is giving one of her fabulous patterns away to YOU.

All you have to do is go to her blog and read or find her on Ravelry
by the same name, 
and choose 5 out of her many patterns To FAV on Raverly.


From those 5 she chooses one to send you for free.

Thanks Sexy Knitter, I cannot wait for my free pattern. 

What a great way to start my Sunday in March. 

Allison's new kitten Minion says its a great deal.


Alyssa said…
Wow! That is seriously cool. I'm heading over there now to check it out :)
Judy S. said…
Gotta check that out! What a cute kitty photo!
Tanna said…
Thanks for the info, Kathy!!
SissySees said…
Free patterns seem to be the thing on Ravelry. Thanks for the heads up!

Minon sure is pretty!
geeky Heather said…
Woo, what a great deal! Thank you for letting us know!

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