MEME Liebster award

Steph from:  INITTOKNITIT blog , gave me a Liebster award.  Thanks Steph.   You sent me these questions....
And here are my questions:
1. What is your favourite holiday destination?
2. What is your favourite type of food e.g. Mexican, Italian, etc...?
3. If you had an elephant what would you name it?
4. If you could do any job for a day what would it be?
5. If you had to change your name what would you change it too?
6. Do you play nay sports?
7. What is your favourite item of clothing you own?
8. Do you play any instruments?
9. Can you speak any other languages?
10. What is your favourite dessert?
11. Fruit or vegetables?

1. church.  As crowded as they get, I do love holiday Church Music

2. Chicago food: Hot dogs and fries

3. Doris

4. Job for a day: fortune teller

5. Isaiahlove u.  (except its already taken according to AL) 

6. nay but I love to watch sports

7. Blue jean jacket

8. nah

9. Spanish ...spanglish

10. Birthday cake flavored ice cream cone

11. Veggies....

There That was fun......

Yesterday was about as gloomy outside as it gets  here...This
 image was taken from the car at 6 p.m.  This morning there is a bit of fresh snowfall..

When things are this grey and gloomy we go to our favorite restaurant with NO windows..ha ha..
Dave's Italian Kitchen 

 It always delivers a fantastic meal. Their Chicken Marsala is simply the best anywhere...
My shawl is a thing of beauty on these grey March days.  I simply love the simple pattern of some stockinette and and the a row of knit 2 togethers and a Yarn over.   I am in love with the casbah yarn.  
Finally, if you need to cheer yourself up on a grey dismal Chicago March day, you can foster kittens......a little bundle of soft fur instantly picks me up!!! 

How do you pick yourself up when the weather gets you down?


SissySees said…
You're a hoot. I've had the privilege of knowing three Doris-named humans, and all were larger than life, so it IS a good name for an elephant!

I don't do well on grey days. I want to just crawl back in bed, let the fur-girls snuggle close, and read.
Unknown said…
I love this post and Doris is a perfect name for an elephant! As for your pictures... I love them but wish my computer had the same ability to enlarge images as my ipad. I want to see the details of that shawla nd will see if I can get to your ravelry project page for more information. Ditto on getting a closer peek at that scrumptious kitten!
gMarie said…
NIce list. I enjoyed your answers. Grey days - fun clothing, big smiles, brightly colored yarn :) g
Unknown said…
A fun post. On a grey day, I enjoy a warm fire in the wood stove, sitting at the piano for an hour, knitting a project I am anxious to finish, sipping on a warm chai tea latte. All are good ways to lift the spirit. A sweet bundle of kitty or puppy energy is pretty darned wonderful too!
Katherine said…
Fun post! Such interesting things about you!! I like Isaiahlove u, but Doris? I'm thinking about that one, an elephant named Doris, hmmmm.

When the weather gets me down and keeps me inside I watch an episode or two of Monarch Of The Glen (BBC). It always brightens my mood!
Araignee said…
I love gray days as a rule so they actually cheer me up. I have a strict no housework policy when it is gloomy out so I look forward to them. I lock myself in the craft room with absolutely no guilt.

That kitteh is serious centerfold material. What a beauty!
Anonymous said…
Luckily, here in Florida we don't have too many grey days. Today happens to be one of them, but I don't let it get me down. We really need the rain. I can almost hear the yard saying, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".
elns said…
Thanks for sharing your answers! Fun stuff. I love the yarn and the shawl, and chicken marsala too :)

Nothing like tea and yarn for me on a grey day, but we haven't had very many in the Bay Area.
Lynneb said…
grandbaby love. and a funny episode of something on television!

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