Guest Blogger Time

It has been pretty much forever since I thrust yarn at someone and asked to take their picture.  This is Misty from the Bier Garden in Portsmouth, Virginia. 
We spent the week with Al.  
Don't get me going on how much we laughed all week or I'll start boo hoo ing.
Misty knew her beer.   They have over 400 beers on the menu.

This is the mohair all wound up looking at the Atlantic Ocean.

We saw dolphins frolicking in the waters, we 
saw many Military Vessels, we saw surfers in wet suits, we saw
the sunrise and the moonrise too.
All in all it is such a beautiful place.

So good to see my girl. So easy to laugh with her.
She's happy.  Her Nathan is wonderful.
I think Virginia is beautiful!

As for my knitting, today I'll keep at the cabled baby hat that Al and I sort of made up this week.  

Who do you laugh easy with?


Araignee said…
Lovely post! That mohair is gorgeous.
As for laughing, all my furry babies give me the giggles. My people friends-not so much these days. Adult children and aging parents are difficult. I am hoping the new grandson will remedy that. Wish I saw him more.
gMarie said…
I laugh very easily with my youngest daughter and also my husband if they are together - help everyone - seriously.

I'm glad you had a fabulous vacation. That mohair is beautiful. g
Anonymous said…
Glad you got to spend some time with your girl! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

Who do I laugh with ----- DH for sure!
Katherine said…
DH and I laughed together as children so we have had a lifetime of laughter. Our daughter and I both see the world, people/places/things, as hilarious so we laugh together a lot!!
Celia said…
We look like we could be sisters. It's crazy!
Unknown said…
I got a chuckle out of seeing the mohair at the balcony enjoying a beautiful view of the ocean. That yarn likes the fine things in life! Probably has expensive taste. Might be why it want to wrap around your shoulders than be hidden in shoes on your feet!!

Most of my friends make me laugh, but my brother is the one who can make me laugh so hard I'm in tears.
Nancy said…
The mohair's colorway is perfect for the beach: it reminds me of saltwater taffy.

Meredith said…
I am so glad you had a great time with Al, it really is a gorgeous place and the rest of the state is gorgeous also. The Blue ridge Parkway takes my breath away. My sister and my friends make me laugh, I think it is a girl thing, boys just don't get it.
Hugs to you Kathy.
SissySees said…
Oh how I miss that truly tan sand and the blue water. Hopefully very soon...

Laughter... My aunt and cousin. We'll be with them tomorrow and at some point, I'll laugh until I cry and have a stitch in my side.
Marguerite said…
I laugh with my true love and soulmate Jay. We laugh when we're together and we laugh at text messages when we're not together. I tell him he is really funny 30% of the time and the other 70% I laugh because he thinks he's funny. But that's a joke and not true. We have the same sense of humor and laugh together at the same things. We are so blessed.
Ria said…
400 beers?? I must go there one day!

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