Alphabet Soup

 A- View from the bridge
B-ready for a new sideways hat soon

C-if you can beat the kids on Jeopardy this week.

D-odorize your washing machine with Baking Soda

E-rase the thought of metal needles in my knit life

F-you can,  leave me a comment with your favorite app name

G-I wish I could enjoy the kitchener stitch

H-where it scratches

I-loved using my trekking poles from Santa in the snowy woods today

J-ays are my favorite potato chips of all time

K-aloric intake exceeded output over the holidays

L-evating my feet after working a 12 hour shift really helps 

M-and M's are simply addictive to me. 

N-don't think the dark chocolate M and M's are any less addictive

0-my goodness, I need to finish something that I've started to knit this year.

P-Nuts on a hot fudge sundae are my favorite

Q-the music, I'm ready to workout

R-you tired of this little game yet?

S-steam is important if you want to be brave enough to write a blog and put it all out there

T-ea cakes need to make a comeback, Anyone have a good recipe?

U-know that I appreciate you reading this far

V-neck sweaters are my nemesis in knitting.  I can't do reverse shaping and I'm not going to make it a goal of mine this year.....


X-pect a letter from me in your mailbox if you are a regular commentor here at IrisheyesKnitters

Y-did I cast on another hat instead of finsihing my blanket first?

Z-walnut oil in my cabinet is a gift from my Sister In Law for  Christmas.  It is amazing on bread....


Anonymous said…
Cute meme ---- but, I think I like metal needles over bamboo.

Never had walnut oil, but I sure do like walnuts.

gMarie said…
I'm surprised you came up with an alphabet full of things! You started a hat because your blanket is big, heavy and boring at this point and you wanted to feel like you finished something.

And I'm sure you've shown finished hats this year. I don't have a single finished knit yet this year and it's February!!! g
Suburban prep said…
So creative.
Araignee said…
I don't know anything about apps but I do know a thing or two about tea cakes and I just made a delicious one substituting honey for the molasses and omitting the spices in a gingerbread recipe. Sprinkle sliced almonds on top before baking and you will have a hard time not eating the whole thing-especially if you serve it warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side.
Nancy said…
You are so clever and creative. I enjoyed your ABCs. . .

Sorry, I don't use apps
fancystitching said…
I'm still using a dumb phone (and I love it) so no app recommendations from me. I DO have a yummy tea cake recipe. I'll have to go hunt it up, and then I will post it to my blog. Of course, everyone has their own idea about what a tea cake should be like. I like mine soft and chewy. And now you have flung a craving on me for TEA CAKES! Reach for the carrot sticks... reach for the carrot sticks... I'm still craving and it is all YOUR fault! HAHA! Cute ABC game, btw.
Katherine said…
Fun post!! My favorite app is the Nag Alarm. It will set up to 5 alarms and bug the daylights out of you until you complete the task for which the alarm was set. It is a badly needed part of my life. LOL!

M & M's are only addictive to me if they have peanuts in them.

Can't wait to see Sideways Hat.
Tanna said…
You always have to have an "easy" project to go along with a harder one!! Why wouldn't you cast on another hat? lol! ;) blessings ~ tanna
Anonymous said…
Love the ABC idea. My A is for App today would have to be Overdrive Media Console, allowing me to listen to books while doing something, anything else. Thanks for the comment.
Marguerite said…
Amazing post. It would take me half a day at least to fill up an alphabet with my thoughts. Always love reading your blog. It's so full of your fun personality.
Unknown said…
LOL. What a fun post...and yes, I read all the way to the end. Favorite apps? Weatherbug and Voxer.
kathy b said…
NANCY KAY can you tell me more about Voxer? i just checked it out online..i'd like to know how YOu use it!
Celia said…
Wooo-hoo! Nice post.
SissySees said…
You never fail to make me smile.

I love dark chocolate M&Ms. I have the mint M&Ms in the freezer.

I'm glad you're knitting because I don't have time or energy.

Kindle is my favorite app. I'm never bookless!

Can you believe I've never made tea cakes? Do tell if you get a good recipe.
Nicole said…
I love the alphabet soup idea! Very cute.

I have just recently discovered the "PhotoMarkr" app. It does watermarks on your photos for posting online. Seems to work really well.

We need tea cakes - in fact, we need tea breaks - here in the US. I'd like to try any (good) recipes you find as well.

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