
 *Starbucks yesterday with old Friend Helen and new Sock knitting. 
*Log Cabin block knitting.  

I'm just getting started.......

I can guarantee there won't be any:
Car washing
Checkbook balancing
and the like! 

What Wont there be in your weekend?


Meredith said…
Apparently your lovely cat is blocking that log cabin blanket for you, very cool. I am going to get my butt moving out of this office soon and get some stuff done, nothing earth shattering but a bit of this and that around the house.
Have a GREAT Saturday,
Anonymous said…
Housecleaning, dusting, cooking....LOL

I'm going for a relaxing weekend with maybe, just *maybe* a little bit of laundry. And that's only because Steve insists on having clean underwear.
gMarie said…
well yesterday there wasn't any getting dressed. I'm thinking there won't be any *real* cooking and that's probably it. g
Nancy said…
Snow shoveling or driving - it's too cold to go outside. I'll be snuggled inside with my knitting and a good movie.
fancystitching said…
There won't be any complaining about having to work. There won't be any lounging around, as I had planned, watching football and knitting. I had said there would not be any work done today, but have decided I must get a customer quilt in the machine, so nix that. I'll still knit and watch tv some, but will be running back and forth to the machine. HAPPY WEEKEND!
SissySees said…
Won't be? Well, evidently there won't be breakfast today, because the heavy fog made us leave early for the eye vet.

We're getting ready to go for a walk soon though...
Araignee said…
There won't be any knitting if I don't get off this computer!
Katherine said…
It's W-2 printing, year-end reporting time so there will not be any down time this weekend (except to sleep that is).
gMarie said…
I just googled *Pick up and Knit* for the project I'm working on and came across this tutorial, which I thought might be very helpful for you with the log cabin. http://mercedesknits.com/2012/02/01/tutorial-how-to-pick-up-on-garter-stitch-edge/

kathy b said…
THanks GMARIE!~!!!!!

SO thoughtful of you. Great tips
Tanna said…
LOL! LOVE it!! Enjoy. Enjoy!!
Judy S. said…
Enjoy your first weekend off!
Unknown said…
Enjoy your down time! It's too cold here to do anything outside, except haul in wood!

Since I'll be sitting by the fire, there will be very little else going on. Maybe make some hot soup, watch a little football, and KNIT!

(Watching the Broncos lose was a heart-breaker yesterday!!)
Nicole said…
Hooray for time at Starbucks with good friends and knitting! I think I might actually be well enough to get back to my knitting group this week... fingers crossed anyway!

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