Today's LIST: New finds....

Enough Said.......

I am the Boss of my knitting.  
I changed my Log Cabin mind.
I started over last night.
I am knitting a modified Mason Dixon Log Cabin so I don't have such frequent color changes,
and so many ends to weave in....
stay tuned

Today's List is New Things  (or products that are new to me) that get the thumbs up :

*Pakoras.  Friend Kath made them for us when we visited her in LA.  Fireman made them the other night.....
absolutely delishy corny goodness

*Crock pot Cinnamon Steel Cut Oatmeal
Its all about the PAM coating for me....
makes the clean up so easy.  

*DavidsTea thermometer: Zach says it is awesome. You clip it on and it has preset steeping times for all their teas. 
Just listen for the beep!

*'s Very Quick Homemade Dinner Rolls:
awesome. They are  yeast rolls that you don't have to knead.  The are pinch sweet.  They are fantastic. 

*Oh this should include knitting finds too:
The Omega Wrap pattern by Chrstine Bylsma is new to me.
I love this pattern from the swap.  A wrap that stays on your shoulders without falling off.  

*Icons on my smart phone texts: my friend Kristine just showed me how to add them.  FUN FUN FUN. 

*Last but not least are my new Isotoner gloves that were a gift. They had a special silver tip to the fingers that lets you text with the gloves on...clever clever clever

What's NEW with you?


Anonymous said…
Not a DARN thing new here today.

Maybe tomorrow. LOL
SissySees said…
What are Pakoras? What is a modified MD LC?

What's new? Um... Not much here other than the Soda Stream and the microwave popcorn popper I blogged about already.
Unknown said…
The cartoon is hilarious!

You ripped out your log cabin? I can't wait to see the new start on the new pattern!

Something new? Well, let's see. The newest app on my iPhone is Voxer, and it turns my phone into a walkie-talkie. My brother and I have used it during football games to throw comments back and forth. It's great.
Katherine said…
Log Cabin changes--I'm all for fewer ends to weave in!! Can't wait to see the revised version.

Thanks for the tea-temp-tip. Must look for one!

I got a new Samsung Galaxy Note as a gift from DH and I can't figure out how to get the emoticons on it yet. It's driving me crazy not to have hearts, flowers and smiley faces!!
Meredith said…
Hmmm, not near as much as what is new with you. An almost free from work afternoon, only two kids today as the other three are throwing up, a new ripple crochet blanket to make, well that about sums it up.
Happy Wednesday,
KathyTNY said…
What's new with me? I have stepped into the world of eReading with my Kindle Paperwhite. I love it!

Also, I think I am getting a tiny twitch to knit! Not quite there, but getting closer!

I kinda wondered if you were going to change that log cabin pattern after seeing all the millions of color changes before it was done!
Araignee said…
I am just about to order some new sock needles since I can't find a complete set in any size this afternoon. I wish I had the money for Signatures...instead I am heading off to Knit Picks.
Nancy said…
I don't like to weaving ends, so I understand why you started over.

My something new is actually old - an all leather wallet found at a thrift shop for a mere $3. It's like new, and I love it!
Tanna said…
LOL!! I love that little cartoon!! I think my husband might relate! ;)

Love that have decided to craft your Log Cabin to suit yourself! I'll look forward to seeing it!

blessings ~ tanna
gMarie said…
Oh Irish Eyes - go check out my modern quilt wrap on Rav. I liked a project that showed how to work the ends in with the next color - worked a charm! Okay - I was wrong. the link to weaving in the ends is here:

What's new in my world: snow/rain mix tonight; coconut coffee creamer; I think that's all. g
zach said…
I do recommend David's tea thermometer for tea snobs like myself, but a couple notes. The temperatures are incorrect for white tea and need to be reset. Also must recommend buying loose tea from the coffee and tea exchange in Chicago, it by far exceeds more corporate locations like argo...teavana...david's tea in price and quality! hit it up!

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