Monday: No Business Even Looking at Patterns....

 That's right.  I have no business looking at this Pattern.  
I have a blanket that is not at the halfway point yet.
I have A sock and a -half-  knitted, and Zach has asked for a new winter hat.  Seems his friend's dog ate one of his favorites.
His homework was apparently spared.   
I love this winter hoodie however, and it seems to be calling my name. 
Not to mention that I have 25.00 in a punch card coming from Mosaic Yarn Studio.  
I am also spending an awful lot of time completely mesmerized by the Lucy Lou Litter. 

They've all been named. 

(Bonk is when a cyclist has to quit a hard race....he "bonked"
A Fixie is a fixed gear bike. ) 

All the kittens are over 6 ounces already on day 3 of life.  
Fixie is the biggest, the loudest, the most active. 
I think she's a girl.....

I have yet to check for their sexes.  I am not that good at it this early on.  

from left to right: Fixie, Spinner, Sprocket and Bonk. 


Meredith said…
Oh my goodness they are so adorable. I bet you are in kitten Heaven.
Nancy said…
Thanks for the baby update: they sure are cute.

The winter hoodie is interesting and would definitely keep the wind and cold at bay.
Celia said…
I have no business looking at yarn or patterns. That doesn't stop me.
Anonymous said…
Bonk looks like he (she?) is pretty good size too. Congrats on the healthy babies.
Anonymous said…
I've no self control when it comes to knitting, yarn or patterns. The babies are precious and i love the names. Thanks for the comment.
Jennifer said…
Kitties are so darned cute!
Araignee said…
With 7 kitties already on the premises, I have no business looking at kitties-ever but who can resist those adorable fur babies? So sweet....
Wanda said…
Oh they look so soft and silky. Momma is taking good care of them.
Judy S. said…
Oh, Kathy, those kitties are so cute. It's a good thing you live so far away or I be headed over..... That looks like a warm hood, just right for Midwest weather. I can see why it appeals to you!
gMarie said…
I seriously thought there were 5 kittens. I love their names. Will you get 'sucked' by any of the little kitties? They are seriously adorable. g
Tanna said…
Oh,my goodness, they are so stinkin' cute!! Precious. Enjoyed learing some new terminology today, too. And, the pattern... I see why you love that hoodie! blessings ~ tanna
SissySees said…
Sweet babies. Good mama. Even better foster. Love the names very much!

That hoodie is cute, but I think it would annoy me. Too much like a nomex hood from the fire service. I seem to have a hard time letting my professional attire blend into the rest of my wardrobe. I didn't wear navy for almost 10 years after I no longer had to wear a uniform to work.
Unknown said…
Thanks for posting pictures of the kitties!! Oh, man, they are sooo cute! Looks like they are doing well and growing quickly.

The hoodie looks like it would be nice and warm on an icy, snowy day...which I understand is what the midwest is experiencing at the moment. Careful about the lure of yet another project! Ha!
Nicole said…
So cute! Also, I am not going to go into how many knitting projects I have on the needles right now. We'll leave it at "lots".
Mrs. Micawber said…
Love the cycling names! :) And they're suitable for either gender.

Gorgeous hoodie too.
Alyssa said…
Bonk is the most adorable cat name I have ever heard.
KathyTNY said…
Omgoodness...... I want! All!!!! What a joy! (well, until they turn into toddlers!!!! )

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