Lots of Knitting, No Pictures of It Yet

 This was the note on the sidewalk the morning Al and Nathan arrived home for Christmas.   Aren't I funny?  
 Al and Tank reunited.   Let's be clear, Al had this haircut way before that girl everyone says she looks like did...
Ann somebody or other...

My kids got their 
love of boots from me.  Santa brought Al the Minnetonka's she'd been wanting for a long time.
Zach bought his boots in Mexico...and I would steal them if only they would fit me.....

Log Cabin Blanket is coming along nicely now. 
I'm at peace with the pattern. 
I am off until Monday. 

now any suggestions for celebrating my first weekend off ????


SissySees said…
I love boots too! I'd take either pair...

Ann Hathaway? Currently getting press for her Les Mis role?
gMarie said…
Love the new header pic. The boots are fabulous - I've turned into a boot lover this winter too.

I don't know who your beautiful daughter looks like. And for the weekend - how about staying in jams all day and relaxing - baking, reading, knitting, doing nothing. g
kathy b said…

that sounds awesome.......
maybe a movie at home.....
jams all day !!!
kathy b said…

Yes that's who it is.
Suburban prep said…

But since the temps are supposed to drop perhaps a coffee shop and some knitting.
Nancy said…
The photo of Al (love her haircut) and Tank is precious.

Put something in the crockpot for dinner, grab your knitting, pop in a movie and enjoy your weekend.
Katherine said…
I love the Minnetonkas and Al's haircut. We can all give testimony to the fact that Al had it first. Also, I've had the haircut for the last 6 years but it looks way better on Al than it does on me!!
Araignee said…
PJ's all day is a must as well as something that has lots of onions in it simmering in the crock pot. And don't forget the mandatory nap so you can stay up late watching movies and knitting.
Alyssa said…
Best weekend activity: enjoy not commuting! Is that just me...? :(

I would read and nap!
fancystitching said…
It is so sinful, but I always celebrate with PIZZA... loaded with absolutely everything they can put on it.

And of course some intense knitting time is called for!
Unknown said…
Yes, I'd say she looks a lot like Ann Hathaway. Great haircut; beautiful girl. And the cat, very good looking too!!

Nice boots! I'm sure wearing mine (out of necessity), and a good boot is wonderful to wear!

Enjoy the weekend!
Anonymous said…
Zach's boots are very cool!

Al's haircut is beautiful! I love the color of her hair.
Gracie Saylor said…
Weekend Activities: Coffee, tea, knitting by the fireside, favorite music/videos, dashing out for a breath of fresh air, soup simmering on the stove, worthwhile reading, some fellowship with faithful family members and friends, meditating on what matters in life, celebrating goodness, appreciating beauty, praising praiseworthiness, tidy something that is awry, laugh at the ridiculous, pray for your enemies, enjoy warm showers and clean clothes, rest, enjoy candlelight, pet pets...ahhhhh the choices :)
xx from Gracie
Tanna said…
Whatever your heart desires! Enjoy! blessings ~ tanna
Meredith said…
Your Al is a gorgeous girl, talented, smart, and loves boots, just like her Mom! What more could you ask for.
Happy Weekend not Workend!

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