Kathy C's Log Cabin

I am not sure how we always rope Carol into posing for pictures with our knits, but she never seems to mind. 

This Log Cabin Lovely is my friend Kathy's creation. 
She's sending it down south.  Kathy's from Georgia and she's a peach.  She knits sweaters that fit her.....and she knits Log Cabins when I cave.  She knits on the train.  She loves trains.  
Thanks for the help with today's post Kath.

I have deconstucted the prototype hat  after Fireman quickly shook his head and said what I knew all along.   Time to cast on  anew and try it all over again.  I don't mind.  I knit in Lucy Lou's room and watch the kitten babies.  It is better than TV....

What's better than TV in your life?


Katherine said…
Oh gosh, you know how I complain about TV. Almost everything in my life is better than TV these days--even tax season! LOL! I wish I had kitties to watch while I knit.

I love the log cabin blanket and wish I could knit one. Every time I've tried it I find that none of the sides fit together and it is all kittywampus.
Nancy said…
The blanket looks great - such a superb model, too.

I agree with Katherine that almost anything is better than TV. I have started watching Netflix on my TV - streaming through a Roku device. I love it.
SissySees said…
Great blanket and what a nice model!

I haven't tried a log cabin and don't know that I will.

A sassy, limit-testing JRT is better than TV. So is having a leadership team chocked full of bright, beautiful, compassionate women.
Nicole said…
Great blanket! I don't know that I will ever be able to convince myself to knit one of those... the rows get really long by the end...
Anonymous said…
Great blanket --- looks rustic and cabin-y!

What's better than TV. Almost anything. TV has been terrible lately. Other than a little bit of sports and the evening news, I mostly have the tv off.
Araignee said…
Audible.com and podcasts are better than TV. Even though I have the tv on from time to time, I rarely "see" it because I am always working on something.
Love that blanket. I can't imagine knitting something so big. I have a few I started eons ago around here somewhere and they are no bigger than a placemat.
gMarie said…
dinner with friends and good music. Lovely log cabin. Looks good. g
Toni said…
LOVELY blanket!!! And glad to see the new family is getting along nicely. My older sister was the bossy one, too. :)
Anonymous said…
Books are always better than TV
RedClayLady said…
Note to all who liked my Log Cabin (thanks for the great p.r., Kathy B!) it is crocheted, not knitted. It is double crochet stitch using bulky yarn and an "L" size hook and worked up really fast--about 2 weeks. It was like coloring with big fat crayons. The pattern is my own design based on the popular quilted Log Cabin motif (I quilted for years before I discovered knitting and crochet). Glad y'all liked it; I almost hate to send it to North Carolina!
Jennifer said…
It's great to have a friend like Carol. Love the log cabin quilt. It looks gorgeous!

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