IN celebration of the end of NIGHT Shift, here's a little contest. 
This pretty knit necklace made by Hippy Chick at 
StinkR (etsy) will be part of the prize. 
There will be other goodness in the mail for the winner. 

TO enter: 
Just tell me the last time you were up ALL night.....


Suburban prep said…
The last time I can remember was when I was in the hospital for kidney stones two and a half years ago. I was in pain and the nurses kept coming in to check my vitals what seemed like every few minutes. The pain and the interruptions is what kept me from sleeping. I had surgery to get those things out later in the next day.

Even though I have a hard time sleeping now I do sleep for a few hours
Lynneb said…
Up all night? July of 2012 when I had to spend the night at O'Hare airport. I should have called you!
Sarah said…
Man...not since I had a sick baby. Probably 2002. I don't do well staying up all night.
SissySees said…
Ironically, my last "up all night" story also features O'Hare, but it was July 2010, I think. I am soooo not nocturnal.
Nancy said…
I have to go back about 20 years - I was a chaperone for an After Prom Party. I doubt that I could be awake that long now.
Meredith said…
Last night! I could not freaking sleep at all I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. I had to be up at 5:20 to wake up my youngest for school and I will be going strong working, etc until evening. Wah! I am a baby when I don't get any sleep. The last time I did not even close my eyes, two summers ago on a night flight to Amsterdam.
Allison said…
OTHER than night shifts- my last one was about two weeks ago- the last time I stayed up all night was about 1 year ago when I couldn't sleep a wink during my last night in my apartment in Edgewater- little did I know the wonderful things to come!
KathyTNY said…
I had gone to a Gospel Concert in Windsor CT in Oct. 2012 with some friends from church. We drove up leaving at 3:30pm and drove back right after the concert was over..... I pulled into my driveway at 4:30am!!!! It was just an awesome experience!
fancystitching said…
I am so much a night-person, but have had to adjust to regular schedule. All night? I guess when I stayed at the hospital with my mom after heart surgery. Perhaps I slept a few minutes here and there, but it did not seem like it. That was 2 years ago.
Araignee said…
I was up all night on December 21, 2012 waiting for my first grandchild to be born. I sat in a hard chair in the hospital waiting room fidgeting from 6 pm the night before until my son called at 5:30 am the next morning to say the baby was here. I went in and held the little guy for about 10 minutes and then drove all the way home for a good hour and half. I have no idea how I did it but I'm glad I did.
Gracie Saylor said…
uhhhhhh...I have never been able to stay awake all night...definitely never the life of the party either :) Soooo happy for you that you are on dayshift now!!! xx from Gracie
gMarie said…
Seriously all night? Um - all night? I can't remember that's how old I am - it's been a long, long time. Just last week I was up until 3:30 a.m. Does that count? g
Maureen said…
When my oldest daughter came home from college for the first time during her 1st semester. We stayed up all night talking! It was great!
Anonymous said…
Up most of the night with our 14-year old Golden Retreiver, Holly. Poor thing...she has her nights and days mixed up.

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