
 This Reindeer does not look overly worried about his big night next week.  We have snow predicted for Thursday and I am hopeful for a White Christmas.  I love a White Christmas.  

The UPS trucks are dashing through the streets these days.  I saw two of them nearly collide yesterday.  
This tree is outside a favorite local store.  It was getting dark at 4:15 pm yesterday.  Zach, home from the same time zone but different axis, cannot get used to the darkness.  He says it stays light until 7 in Mexico.  

He also says the Make Snow in a park in Leon.  People line up to throw snowballs, and they have to wear helmets....

I'm knitting a pair of TOAST fingerless out of some sock yarn in my stash.   It is mindless easy knitting; I'm still fighting this cold so it is the perfect project.  

Do you have snow?  Real or otherwise?


Nancy said…
Only a tiny bit of snow here, but only in the shady areas.

I would not do well in the Arctic where the snow does not get above the horizon this time of year.

Judy S. said…
Yes, we woke up to about an inch of snow this morning! Maybe that's what's coming your way? Loved the reindeer photo! BTW the sun sets here around 4:20 these days and isn't seen again till 7:54AM. that is if it shows its face at all. lol
Unknown said…
We only have a trace of snow where the sun hasn't melted it. I don't think we're going to have a white Christmas, but it may snow before New Years.

I like the picture of the reindeer too.

I'm ready for the days to start getting longer!
Celia said…
We are supposed to get snow starting tonight here in CO. Drive safely.
SissySees said…
It's almost 60 degrees outside. I hear it's going to get cold this weekend, but nothing about snow for Christmas. Share photos if you get some!
Meredith said…
80 degrees here, I would love a few clouds. Sweet reindeer, I hope she is resting up for next week!
Anonymous said…
No snow here --- no real snow, no fake snow --- no snow at all. :-(

It is in the 80s today. A cold front is coming through this afternoon so the temperature may be a BIT more Christmassy by tomorrow.
Katherine said…
No snow, real or otherwise! I would love it though!! That's one of the few things I don't like about Texas. There are certain times of the year that just demand snow!!
Araignee said…
No snow here on the Chesapeake. In fact it was in the 60's and sunny today. No snow in the forecast either so no chance of a white Christmas this year-just a muddy one.
Gracie Saylor said…
We are getting some snow down in the valley, and Mt. Hood is in a bit of a blizzard! I will post some photos soon. Joy to you and yours:) xx from Gracie
Pumpkin said…
Mmm, nice mindless knitting sounds great right now. I hope you get a white christmas too!
Alyssa said…
We had snow yesterday, but the rain today washed it all away! :( I'm hoping some comes back in time for Christmas!
Joanne Noragon said…
Thanks for stopping by!

We're still enjoying some warm days, but the temperature is dropping and I think Chicago's snow at the end of the week will be our snow by the weekend.
KSD said…
For my entire life, snow has mostly been imagined/wished for.
Nicole said…
No snow! It's usually sunny (but chilly and sometimes downright cold) here for Christmas.

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