Last FInish of 2012

 This is how the Beatle Bug lays on Fireman daily.   He is the most relaxed cat we have ever known....I just love him so.
Using up the stash at 2012 year's end: for these fingerless gloves for Al.  The thumb business I thought was an error actually worked out fine.  This gives me hope that I can make real gloves with fingers.  In the past the finger join messed with my knit head. 
I think I finally get it without a pattern telling me how to do it....This is nothing short of a Christmas miracle...

I won't recap all my knits this year.....but I have knit many things and better yet, given many away.   I stash busted big time. 

Thanks for riding along with me this YEAR!!!  Those who leave me comments make my every day.  Those who lurk, keep on coming back.  

IT is the workend.  I have big news about that coming up and a contest to celebrate.  
I do make resolutions so they will be in my next post. 

There seems to be a Bowl game for everything from Oranges to 
Tampons...or maybe not that yet....
but enjoy your weekend of sports if you are a fan!


Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh ... Beetle Bug is adorable!

Happy New Year!
Celia said…
What a cutie kitty. I like how your project turned out. Very cool. Happy New Year.
Unknown said…
Congrats on your finish! The mitts look great!

Love the relaxed funny.
Your kitty is too cute!
SissySees said…
Very cute photo of the relaxed kitty, pretty mitts, and happy workend!
Nancy said…
Now that is relaxed! No stress for that happy kitty.

Hey, don't tease us with "good news" promises. Spill it!
Araignee said…
I laughed out loud at the tampon remark-so true. All I know is that football has been on the TV 24/7 for the past few days. It was 1 am last night before The Mister gave it up and went to bed. Who is playing at that hour and why?
Anonymous said…
That is one AWESOME cat photo---LOVED it:)
Congrats on your good news!
Meredith said…
I think there might have been a tampon or maxi pad bowl on Saturday Night Live once, love the mitts, you are a wonderful Mother to make Al these lovelies.
Hugs to you,
gMarie said…
super cute and relaxed kitty. The mitts are fabulous. I love that you are figuring it out. Happy Workend and looking forward to your good news. g
KSD said…
Wristers are, by far, my favorite knitted thing to wear. Good job on yours!
Anonymous said…
We have a relaxed kitty too. Thanks for commenting
KathyTNY said…
What a cutie! My Fiona would lay just like that in the middle of summer trying to cool her belly off!
Tanna said…
LOL! Now, that's relaxing!! Love the mitts! they are great! blessings ~ tanna
Jennifer said…
Love that Beatle Bug. What a cutie!
Pumpkin said…
Oh my, kitty is certainly spreading out! So, so cute! It has been such a pleasure to hear from you this year and I really look forward to seeing what you make in 2013!
Yes, indeed. I need to pick up my knitting needles again!
Judy S. said…
That Beatle is just too cute! He looks like a longhair with a touch of grey? Nice mitts. Happy 2013 to you too. Stay warm.....
Robin said…
Precious kitty!!!!! Love the mitts and kudos to you for busting that stash! Happy New Year to you!!

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