Knitting, Reading, ......Presents

 I finished a cowl for Fireman.  He is not a hat guy.  He suffers each winter when his teeth ache after being out in the cold.  I knitted up this 4by1 ribbed cowl for him out of leftovers.
It ought to do nicely under his snowjacket when he is shoveling one of these days.  Still no snow here.  I'd love some

In the 'what are you reading' Category: This amazing book
was given me last night by my dear friend Abby who celebrates Chanukah.  Santa brought her a pie bird and some pickled watermelon rind and dropped it off at my house early. 
Abby loves pickled rind.  I have never even heard of it, but Santa found some made by the Amish in Pennsylvania.  
Catholic, Amish, Jewish......we are all one world eh? 


Nancy said…
Oh yummy, watermelon pickles! They can be made with zucchini, too, but I haven't made them in years.

Love Fireman's cowl, but seriously, that man needs a hat when he's out shoveling.
gMarie said…
pickled watermelon rind? never heard of it either. Sounds interesting. Is that the Fireman modeling that cowl? Somehow - not how I pictured him.

Love the quick knits. :) g
SissySees said…
I'm chuckling at gMarie's comment. Picked watermelon rind is normal enough around here, and Fireman looks like a firefighter to me. ;) At least there are two of us (FFs) who aren't big on hats. I wear them though, because my ears get so cold they hurt, or sunburned in the summer...
Unknown said…
You are mentioning foods I am not familiar with...sounds interesting though. It's amazing what special foods appear as a treat during the holidays. Just have to say...fruitcake (no matter what recipe you use) is not a hit with me. Ha.
Anonymous said…
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could embrace "we are all one world". It would be a much more pleasant world.

It's funny when you read other religions' sacred texts. We are more the same than we are different and we all just want the best for our children.
Araignee said…
Well said. I light a menorah every year for no other reason than it makes me feel good. If it's a celebration in the name of something good. I'm in.
Katherine said…
Fireman's cowl is wonderful--good color and perfect for playing in the snow.

I'm so glad you said "pie bird" because I was trying to think of that certain something to get DIL#1.
Pumpkin said…
Pickled watermelon rind? Woah, I cannot even imagine how that must taste. The cowl looks like just the thing he needs!
Judy S. said…
Fireman is sll ready for if and when it snows! (I heard that MPLS got quite a bit over the weekend.)Looks like an interesting book.
Gracie Saylor said…
My mum used to make watermelon pickles...veeeeery sweet...not my favorite, but much enjoyed by some. I have been thinking I would like to try to make/wear a cowl-hood. The cowl you made for Fireman looks good and cozy! xx from Gracie
Alyssa said…
Pickled... watermelon...!? I need to try this thing!!

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