In Case you need some storage ideas, you can go to Hooked-on-Needles site.  I love this basket idea.  
Here is her little snowman coffee mug cover.  A-dorable!

I am so sorry to laugh at someone's misfortune, but Martha Stewart getting food poisoning is making me snicker this morning. 
When someone markets themselves on Perfection, and health, the great equalizer rears its powerful head, I have to laugh. 

It is the workend.  There is big news on that front, that I'll share soon.  There will be a big giveaway too.  


SissySees said…
Ooooh!! I love that storage idea.

Sooo not a fan of Martha, but food poisoning is no fun. The higher the pedestal, the harder the fall, eh?

Need to start on the Christmas cards but I'm weighted down with a basset head in my lap and a wee one on my legs. Mustn't move...
Unknown said…
Those are two very cute projects!
Nancy said…
The basket is clever!

I hadn't heard about Martha S. I guess my head must have been in the sand. I agree with Chan, food poisoning is not fun - been there; done that.
KSD said…
That basket is a brilliant idea.

I've yet to ever feel any sympathy for Ms. Stewart.
Meredith said…
I read about Martha, too. She said the one good thing about it is she lost weight! Even Martha needs help in that department.
Aren't you working?
Judy S. said…
Off to check on that basket. Thanks for the link!
Katherine said…
Sorry about Martha's food poisoning but I must say that she is far from perfect. I bought one of her 5 1/2 X 8 1/2 inch planners (because it is hot pink and looks good on my desk) and the calendar filler that fit and when I got back to the office and took them out of the package I discovered that the filler paper had no holes punched to match the rings in the binder. Hmmmmm!! Martha are you listening? Get better and get back to work!!

I love the needle basket.
Pumpkin said…
Awww, I love the snowman mug cover, very cute! I actually really admire Martha. That woman built herself up from nothing and she survived going to prison for something that old white men get away with all the time with no consequences.
Pumpkin said…
Awww, I love the snowman mug cover, very cute! I actually really admire Martha. That woman built herself up from nothing and she survived going to prison for something that old white men get away with all the time with no consequences.
Alyssa said…
I'm also in the "worship Martha" camp. But I'm one of those few young women who want to grow up to be a stay-at-home mom and who "laughs at the face of women's rights" because I want to be a homemaker. Yes, I was actually told that!
Celia said…
Great idea for the basket, since my needles are somewhere down in the bottom of a basket somewhere.

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