Holidaytime Around Our Little House

 Clever is what I call this Candy Cane host.  He was a gift many years ago from a college friend.  I've never seen anything like him.  Have you?
 Intricate is what I call this ornament from the Hotel in Yosemite.   It is a lovely replica of the Hotel and it is new to our tree this year. 
 Pension worthy is what I call these Fireman.  
Sweet, is what I call this Flashback Friday Photo of Al and Zach from way back....

Does anyone have a great way to weave in ends? Mine are always destined to pop out!
In a word: Aggrivating!  :) 


gMarie said…
What a lovely post - love your words. I haven't seen a candy cane host - he looks like a towel holder, but I love that he holds candy canes.

the fireman collection (?) is perfect. Seriously perfect. And the picture of littles - melt.

Weaving in ends - when I took an intarsia class we were taught to weave the ends at an angle. I think that's the trick - do I remember, not until the ends I've woven straight across stitches, pops out. :) g
Judy S. said…
Your candy cane guy is very cute! (He could also hold a guest towel?) I just saw a sled made from a graham cracker with candy cane runners and a gingerbread Great ornaments! And if you find a great way to do the ends let me know. That's the worst part of knitting. Some people knit them in, but I'm never happy with that either.
Nancy said…
The photo of Al and Zach is sweet!

Like g suggested, angling while weaving is the secret.

I collect items from trips to be used as ornaments, too - such a great way to remember a trip.
KSD said…
Lovely Christmas treasures --- thank you for sharing!

The way I take care of loosed ends is to run them through the backside stitches, diagonally. The diagonal keeps the ends from being seen on the front. I use a crochet hook mostly, but occasionally I'll use a darning needle.
SissySees said…
I've seen something similar to the candy cane holder, but I don't rememer where.

LOVE the photo of your kiddos from way back. They sure are good-looking.

We do firefighter and basset/JRT Christmas ornaments. The Knight also has a couple of fire-themed ties, but until retirement, he'll be in his class a. Come on March...
Celia said…
Love, love, love the old photo. So cute!!
Anonymous said…
I had a candy cane holder that was a stitched santa and then the frame had a bar across for hanging the candy canes.

I was tired of it, so gave it away last year. This year I really winnowed down my decorations to those that really make me happy.
Unknown said…
Wonderful photos. I've never seen a candy cane holder; that's clever. I love unique ornaments too.
Pumpkin said…
I'm sure that it is very fun to pull ornaments out of storage and savor the memories associated with them!
Katherine said…
I love the firemen ornaments! I don't have any ornaments but I do have a beloved miniature necklace of DS's badge. I wear it with great pride.

The picture of Al and Zack is wonderful. She looks so much like you!!

If you find a good way to weave in ends I hope you will share it because I also have a problem with it.
Meredith said…
My ends always pop out,so when I knit I leave about 1/2 inch of yarn that I do not cut out (after weaving it in), so that the yarn stays on the wrong side, and it won't poke out on the right side. It isn't pretty on the wrong side, but no one sees that anyway.
Tanna said…
I hate end-weaving! LOL! I wish I could come up with some magic way to have them disappear! ;)

I see your kids are from "A" to "Z", too! ;) Mine are Amanda and Zachary. blessings ~ tanna
Toni said…
LOVE the candy cane host! Very clever indeed.
Alyssa said…
Haha, I'm pretty sure I had a nightgown like the one in that picture.

When I work with wool, I always felt the two ends together between my hands with some spit. A little gross, but you never have to worry about ends!
Nicole said…
Lovely photo of the kids!

And he candy cane holder is cute, too. I don't think I've seen one before.

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