Better the Lights Than the Yarn

Just a run of the mill, nice and warm hat knitted in leftover yarn. 
It is in the washer now.  I have a bad habit of not labeling leftover yarn so I have to check to see if it felts....

The Tree is up.  Here are the causalities from Last year. 
We were kind of Grinchy when the lights didn't go on.  It is a pre-lit tree after all.  I guess 3 years of shoving it back in the box, as I do, when I put the tree away not so carefully when the fun is over, will ruin a few strands...

On our way to buy new lights, we stopped at our village recycle bin that is just for the Holiday light dead, and it was nearly full. 
Ahhh misery does love company.  We felt so much better. 

How about you?
Any lights hit the dust this year? 
Any simple hats being knitted around your Holiday home?

Gotta go, the young cats are fighting under the tree.....


Jennifer said…
Ugh! I was definitely spewing a few un-family friendly words when 3 strings of lights didn't work. They were brand new lights last year and I was not happy at all! I ran out and bought new ones right in the middle of my decorating momentum. But all's well that end's well.

I'm glad you solved yours, too.
Celia said…
I have a small fiber optic tree. It has the lights built in. I just shove it back in the box when we're done.
gMarie said…
We haven't even bought our trees yet and honestly with my brother bringing puppies for Christmas, not sure we will. I'm knitting simple boot socks - bukly yarn, big (for me US3) needles and only 44 stitches! Super quick! g
SissySees said…
I'm leaning towards trying our first "full-sized" tree since these girls came into our lives five years ago. I just finished a "ponytail" hat for me!
Katherine said…
Scary! I think you are looking over my shoulder because we are fighting with lights across the front of the house and I am knitting a simple Noro hat to match a finished scarf. Tree's good though!
Unknown said…
No "light" disasters this year. The strands will make it one more year, at least. I don't put up a live tree anymore because the wood stove dries it out much too quickly. And I can leave the artificial ones up from December 1 through Jan 1.
Anonymous said…
Haven't checked lights yet, tree going up tomorrow so we'll see. Thanks for reading and commenting. BTW, mixer is AWESOME!!
Nicole said…
So far my pre-lit tree is lasting okay. This is its third year, and it is still in working order!
Lilea said…
I'm sitting here knitting a hat as I read your post... and worrying about the status of my own lights!
Anonymous said…
My lights are exactly "dead" --- they just keep tripping the fuse on the middle string.

Steve put in a "fresh from the Home Depot" fuse. Hoping that helps.
Nancy said…
I got my pre-lit tree out of storage and when I plugged it in, the top section and the bottom section lit, but the mid-section was DEAD. I removed the lights from that section and purchased some new ones but just was not up for rewrapping the branches. The new lights and the tree were moved back to the garage. I don't want to put up my large tree, so I will go "treeless" this year.
Pumpkin said…
It wouldn't be the holidays if you didn't have to untangle all of the lights and then find which one is faulty and keeping whole chain from lighting up. It is always worth the trouble in the end, but my favorite part is the pine scent! Good luck with the rest of the decorating!
Gracie Saylor said…
Ahhh yes the yearly challenge of the lights...our pre-lit tree has some problems that we decorated over :) and while I have not knit a hat this year, I did just finish my first snowflake. Does that count, Kathy :)

xx from Gracie
Alyssa said…
No lights or decorations up this year yet... we're broke and can't afford any good ones! I'm gunna try and craft a few. There's a bunch of snowflakes just asking to be made :)
Lynneb said…
Yup. We ended up finding enough for the whole tree at the Goodwill store for a dollar a strand!

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