What Day is IT???

First things first: AL painted their bedroom last week.  I love it. 

I know we are odd here at Irisheyes, due to our work schedules.....
so we cooked Tom Turkey yesterday. 

I went to the grocery store at 11 am. and the turkey and sides were on the table at 6pm. 

Just Fireman and I and the clowder. That's the term for multiple cats.....

You know what?  It is so easy to cook Thanksgiving dinner if you don't have to clean the house....
that's the ticket.  It took me 52 years to get that straight.  

The turkey was moist and delish.  I am not a vegetarian this week or Christmas week. 

Today: Leftovers
Tomorrow: Turkey at my dear neighbors......she's having a gluten free dairy free Thanksgiving......seriously.

Friday: Dinner at my Sister In Laws house.  I am gifting that cute boy hat in fall colors to little Jaxon on Friday.  

In between: lots of knitting.  

and lots of thankfulness!  I have so very much to be thankful for. 
Not the least of which is YOU.


Nancy said…
Wow, Al is seriously talented and has a great eye for design!

Your holiday celebrations sound wonderful - enjoy your time with family, friends and also with your knitting.

geeky Heather said…
Bedroom looks AWESOME!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you (I know gluten free dairy free sounds awful, but as long as there's turkey and cranberry sauce... =)
KathyTNY said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you! Even though I have learned that the worse part of the holidays is the house cleaning, I am having my daughter and her boyfriend for dinner and even that one fella coming (who has been to our home several times) has thrown me into a mad cleaning frenzy!
Katherine said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear Kathy, and Fireman. I love the bedroom! Al is so talented!! I wish I could come up with things like that.

We are having turkey day on Friday because the firefighter and all three nurses are working on Thursday. Whatever day--as long as we are all about giving thanks during this season.
SissySees said…
Beautiful, serene room! I wish I had painting skills. Okay, not really. I'm not into getting dirty, unless it's on a fire scene. Soot and pump panel grime are fine... paint, not so much.

Happy Thanksgiving week to you and yours!
Unknown said…
The bedroom has such a modern, artistic flare. Beautiful!!!

How nice to spread out your Thanksgiving celebrations. Not having to clean/prepare your house for company is a huge PLUS. Nice it worked out that way for you!

Happy Thanksgiving Days!
Bianca said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :)

And compliments to Al. It looks beautiful
Meredith said…
Love Al's room, she has an eye for color. Happy Thanksgiving to you Kathy.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE Al's handywork. So cute.

Have a happy Thanksgiving. Sounds like you will be busy!

DS showed up around 3 so all is well around here too.

Anonymous said…
The bedroom is very pretty.
Thankful for your blog friendship. Sounds like you have a fun few days coming up!
Gracie Saylor said…
Happy Thanksgiving, whenever you celebrate, Kathy:)
Thanks for posting. xx from Gracie
fancystitching said…
Multiple celebrations... that's my kind of holiday! My mom calls them "protracted" celebrations. I love that term! Happy Thanksgiving, Kathy.
Celia said…
Nice! The color is so relaxing.
Allison said…
It's bothering me that my bedspread is wrinkled in this picture... little type A anyone?
kathy b said…
yes Al...you are the only one who noticed
Lynneb said…
Al! I love the colors! And, yes, Kathyb, it was nice for me too not to have to clean the house for Thanksgiving...I only roasted the turkey and stuffing and took it to my daughter's house! She's that one that had to fuss this year! Hope you have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas season!

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