Thumbs Up Thumbs Down

 Thumbs down for the pop out scones.  They taste just like crescent rolls with blueberries not like real scones....
Thumbs UP for the noro work.  I'm making Pickles Plain Vest for a one year old I know and love.  I hope to finish today.  Thumbs Up ! for the simple pattern writing.  If all her patterns are this clear and easy...I'm finding more of them.  I 'd actually like to convert this one to adult size...I wonder if it would work??


SissySees said…
Beautiful vest! I would think that it would convert to adult okay, if you don't want darts or such. There are quite a few simple vests and cardis already though on Ravelery for adults. I look at patterns I like, then yarns already used...

Shame about the scones, but thanks for the warning.
KathyTNY said…
Thanks so much for trying those scones for me..... I have been eyeing them in the grocery store and now I will turn my nose up at them and just make my own!!! That is usually how it goes tho, homemade generally wins over "store bought". Oh no, great, now I am feeling the need to go home and make scones. Thanks lady!

You know, I have heard mixed reviews on Noro - some love it some hate it. I certainly do love the colors!!!!!

Anonymous said…
I can't imagine that scones from a box would be much ... now that you've reviewed them I won't even give them a try.

I suppose home made is ALWAYS better anyways.
fancystitching said…
How cute that vest is going to be! Love the beautiful colors.
gMarie said…
I've never seen those scones, but if I do see them, I know not to buy them. So sad.

Your noro looks fabulous! Can't wait to see the finished vest. g
Celia said…
I like Noro yarn colors, but it's soooo expensive. I guess for a small project, though, it might not be too bad.
Unknown said…
I've been disappointed with box mixes many times; homemade is usually more tasty!

The Noro yarn is making a gorgeous garment! That's a winner!
Nancy said…
Wow, the vest is gorgeous! I love the bright colors of Noro.

I didn't realize scones were available in pop-cans. Sorry to hear they aren't too tasty. Nothing like a good scone and a cup of tea to start the day.
Katherine said…
Very pretty colors. I'm sure your little gift recipient will be thrilled and it would make a beautiful adult sized vest too. I'm crazy about scones, especially Starbucks scones!! They look pretty good to me!!
Nicole said…
Sad to hear about the scones. I'd love to have a quick and easy scone option.

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