The Ice Man

The ICE yarn company image above looks very wintery to me. 

Last night I knit to a NOVA documentary about the IceMan. 
Otzi is his given name.  
I was fascinated.  Having just met the mummies of Mexico, I was even more taken with the story of Otzi.  (pronounce it like Footsie, without the F)
There's all kinds of speculation about how he died.  
Here are a few things I learned about old men...
haha ha.. I mean a very old man..

*Otzi had heart disease. 
Yup.  He was a workout man, who had to hunt for his 
Ibex Dinners.  He ate grains related to corn also.  Yet Doctors and scientists discovered that he was only 40 and had heart disease..

I say: BRING ON THE BUTTER.  It's hopeless......

Otzi had milk allergies.  Otzi had arthiritis from Lyme disease.

Seriously this is fascinating to me. 

As I knit with Noro last night pondering all things Otzi, the Nova 
production focused on how Otzi died.  The big mystery.  
Well I'll just give you my theory......
it makes perfect sense. 

Otzi had a Tootsie....
and his wife was not pleased.
She waited until he ate the big meal she cooked for him....
and then

well he had it comin' as they sing in CHICAGO the musical.
HE had it comin all along. 

She snuck up on him napping post Thanksgiving meal and shot him with the bow and arrow from the family cave cabinet.  
WHY WHY was OTzi left with his precious sophisticated ax?  They asked this question over and over last night...

I was nearly screaming at the TV....
She knew if she took his ax , everyone would implicate her....
Better to leave him with that ax, take her bow back to the cave....
and let the coming storm destroy the evidence....

Ahhh Mrs. Otzi.... You were so close to getting away with it all..

but I figured you out while I knit away last night......


Nancy said…
Perhaps knitters should offer their services to local police departments and the F.B.I. Who know how many cold cases could be solved with a bit of yarn and some pointy needles!
gMarie said…
Very good theory! Amazing what you can figure out while knitting. g
Unknown said…
LOL! You are good at detecting the motive and unraveling the events! I wonder if other detectives are knitters, but keep it a secret.
Anonymous said…
They could use you at the CIA! Good deduction. Now can you pin it on the Mrs. so she goes to prison?
Katherine said…
Good theory but are you sure it wasn't Tootsie who did Otzi in? He may have told her that leaving Wifey was not in the cards. Just sayin'!!

I love the ice blue yarn. What would you make with it? I'm thinking a scarf to go with my navy coat. Hmmmmmm!!
SissySees said…
Beautiful yarn, and what a detective you are!
Meredith said…
Ah Kathy you crack me up. I think your theory should be tested somehow. The reason it has not been considered is because most of the researchers are probably men, the women on the team are keeping their mouth shut!
Estella said…
Very funny! BTW, your photo of ornaments at the top of your page is gorgeous!
KathyTNY said…
Your blog always ALWAYS makes me smile!

Had to go look up the Iceman on the internet!

Nicole said…
Too funny! And I love that ice yarn. I want some of that...

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