Shawl We????

Let"s have a contest

Shawl We?

This lovely wooden Shawl pin and stick can be yours....
Leave me a comment between now and November
6th, Election Day.

No politics please! 
You must leave the comment on this particular post. 
You must tell me what your very favorite food is on your Thanksgiving plate. 

I am very thankful for you all who read this humble blog, so let's have a Thanksgiving contest for fun.  


Lilea said…
Thank you for this generous giveaway!

To me, it really wouldn't be Thanksgiving without the stuffing and cranberry sauce. Together! Not mixed together, but eaten together. Yum!
Sue said…
Me too! I love the stuffing covered with gravy. No dieting on that day.

I was just thinking that I needed a pretty shawl pin and then you post one. Great idea.
benashue said…
Ha! Stuffing is my favorite too!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Grace said…
How pretty!

My favorite food is mashed potatoes! Sometimes I mix them with the cranberry sauce; kind of weird, but it works for me! :)
Marguerite said…
Thanksgiving wouldn't be Thanksgiving without the turkey gravy. I put it on the turkey, the mashed potatoes, and the stuffing and don't even mind when it gets mixed in with the cranberry sauce.

Now you've made me hungry.
Vera said…
What a gorgeous shawl pin and generous give-away!

How can I pick only one food item? Probably stuffing...maybe cranberry chutney (my mother-in-law's recipe), or home-made rolls (my mom's recipe), or pumpkin pie, or turkey. I'll stick with stuffing. Saving the turkey for sandwiches later...

Thanks for the chance! Vera

bells5r said…
When someone says Thanksgiving all I can think about is my Sisters pumpkin roll!!!

What a beautiful shawl pin!!
Katherine said…
My favorite Thanksgiving food is the stuffing, but only if it is bread stuffing. I still make mine the way my Mom did--torn bread pieces (and I love to throw in some Hawaiian bread) with cut up giblets, onions, celery, apples, broth from the giblets and plenty of melted butter. Thanksgiving is the one day I let myself eat without guilt!!
SissySees said…
What a fun contest!

I love almost all of it... the cranberry sauce, if it's mine or my aunt's, the mashed potatoes, the sweet potato casserole if it isn't too sweet, but my very favorite is the pumpkin pie... and the pecan pie.
Nancy said…
My three favorites: roast turkey, homemade stuffing (no box stuffing for me), and pumpkin pie (no whipped cream).
Bridget said…
Stuffing. My favorite of all things in any Thanksgiving dinner. :-)
Emily said…
My recently most favorite is mashed cauliflower aka faux mashed potatoes. Its much less starchy and there is no guilt! I use laughing cow light cheese wedges, garlic, salt and pepper to flavor it. I've lost 135 pounds since last thanksgiving and I feel so thankful to be healthy!

Debbi said…
My grandmother's bread stuffing. Wouldn't be Thanksgiving without it.
gMarie said…
Oh you are gonna hate my answer. My favorite? the brussel sprouts and I do nothing special to them - just a little steam.

We cut back many years ago for Thanksgiving. To my husband's dismay, I'm not a fan of turkey, but I fix one anyway (this year he's doing it, either with the rotisserie or smoker) and I make mashed potatoes, stuffing, brussel sprouts, rolls and gravy. That's it. Only one starchy side more than a nice Sunday dinner. I would cut back one but one daughter has to have stuffing and the other mashed potatoes. g
Meredith said…
Hooray a giveaway! I am obsessed with my husbands family recipe of creamed, cheesy onions. Oh and the mashed potatoes and gravy, I don't need a bite of turkey, just everything else.
Leslie said…
My favorite food is my cornbread stuffing. Top it with gravy and it is perfect. It also freezes well so we can enjoy it a few times after Thanksgiving, too! Thanks for the give-away!
Karen said…
I'm all about the turkey. I could *almost* pass on everything else.
fancystitching said…
For me it is the oyster dressing (made in pan, not stuffed in a turkey). Cornbread dressing with lots of onion, celery, bell pepper, green onion, canned oysters, broth, etc. Ummm... I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

LOVELY shawl pin! Someone will be a very lucky person.
KathyTNY said…
ONE of my fave Thanksgiving foods is my Aunt Janice's cranberry relish! I LOVE it! Tart and sweet and crunchy.

Dressing next.
Potatoes after that.
It's lunch time and I am starving!!! lol
Unknown said…
I always look forward to homemade stuffing and turkey gravy. Yum, yum. At the end of the meal, it's not Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie with a big dollop of real whipped creme.
Grace said…
creamed onions---it is the only time I get them!!!!
Lynneb said…
Caramelized onion and cornbread pudding.
Maureen said…
Beautiful shawl pin! My favorite dish at Thanksgiving is, this is hard, pumpkin pie!
Nicole said…
My favorite dish at Thanksgiving (or anytime, really) is my grandma's homemade apple pie. So good.
KSD said…
Mine's a weird one, but it just is not Thanksgiving unless I eat scalloped oysters.

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