November Grey's

November greys are sure to follow Halloween.  I'm knitting another pair of socks, with some gray in them.  The colored yarn was a gift from Channon, and I've a good amount left from the beret I have already knitted up in it.  

The cuff, the heels and the toes will be Koigu grey.  
Let's be really honest here.  This cast on, when completed will make 6 finished pairs of socks this year . I Have two other partial pairs, but they don't count yet.  That goal of 13 in 2012 is not looking good.  Meh.  I don' t think I mind. .....
The other two pair IF finished bring me to 8.  

My last pair of socks, the beige and brown stripe child's socks, had a little problem.  The second sock is near done but I fudged the toe finish.   I am going to have to spend some time reworking the toe.  

Why do I get antsy at the end?  My hands nearly shake when there are only a few little stitches left on the needles.  I gave up on Kitchener long ago.  The three needle bind off finds a way to laugh at me almost every time....
The only toe for me seems to be the round toe.  

I googled a Kitchener tutorial that may save me yet.  Maybe if I have a nice glass of Chardonnay before I try to Kitchener, I'll be successful.  Any tips for me? 


Katherine said…
I'm sending you a Kitchener aid I got some time back and never used. If you become an expert I will feel I have accomplished something. Haha!

Eight pairs of socks this year? That's, mmmmm, 8 more than I have finished--me, the person with 32 pairs of hand-knitted socks in my drawer. I think it is safe to say I am off my sock knitting routine, and I believe 8 is close enough to 12 for you to say, "hurrah I finished!"
SissySees said…
I'm with Katherine. No socks here, none at all. In fact, if I complete 12 FOs, including headbands and baby hats, I'll call myself productive enough...

And why worry about what toe you do? Is it comfy? If so, you have a signature modification and why mess with "perfect"?
Celia said…
Wow! Six is a whole lot of socks. That quite an accomplishment.

I'm terrible at kitchener, but I have never tried 3 needle bind off. I'm going to try it next time.
Nicole said…
That's more socks than I've finished! I've only done 2 pair (and one of those was partially done when the year started...)

I have a toe solution for you. Knit socks toe-up. ;)
Nancy said…
I love the Kitchener graft and use it on all of my socks.

Congratulations on completing 6 pair and two more in the works.
gMarie said…
breathe and go slow. I know many people who can't remember kitchner without a cheat sheets. You could always try toe up - I adore them! g
Judy S. said…
I almost always refer to this for Kitchener: Six pair of socks; good for you! I probably have that many unfinished ones......
KathyTNY said…
Okay, you are starting to get to me! I am starting to loose my knitting blahs and looking at your pictures of your socks and hearing you talk about socks is getting me to do some serious thinking about starting a pair of socks!

Good for you.
I am going to confess that I have never understood why everyone struggles with kitchener...... it is as simple as pie for me, always has been. But let's not talk about cables...........I have a horrible time with cables!!!!!

I love your socks and colors!

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