I Get BUy with a Little Help From My BLOG Friends

 Above, my new work bag from AL.  It is insulated.  The owls are because I love owls and because of working night shift...naturally. I love it. So does everyone else at work.  Someone at Al's work, Children of the Kings Daughter's Hospital, makes them....

Saturday night as I was dripping wet from the shower, Fireman knocked on the bathroom door....
"Hurry I hear an owl in the yard!"
It was a great horned.  I was thrilled.   We have not had one in our yard in years and years.  We could not see it, but we stood on the back porch, my hair dripping, listening to it call to another in the far far away night......

Zach has a new place he posts his pictures:

IF you'd like a look at his journey through Mexico the past few months, go and enjoy.  Zach you have a wonderful eye for beauty.
(Of course, he lives with 3 girls in Mexico and dates another....sort of like Three's Company)  

So blog buddies, Fireman and I have a few questions.  Fireman asked me how you find out if anyone has good ear buds for their iPods......
I say, 
You ask on the blog!!!
Fireman wants comfy ear buds for while he works out on Nordic track with them in.  

I worked with Patty yesterday.  She is an old work pal.  She told me she has a 20 year Cookie exchange tradition with 4 of her friends.  IT will take place THursday. This leads to my next question for y'all:
Does anyone have a cookie shooter that is easy to load? I have an ancient one for spritz cookies,  but the labor involved in using it stinks....

WHo who , WHo knows the answers?


fancystitching said…
Cute bag!! Question one, I have some cheap ear buds made by JVC. I think they are called 'Gels' or something like that... $10 at WalMart and they come in all sorts of cool colors. They are much more cushioned than the ones that come with iPods. I got them several years ago... don't know if they still carry them.

Cookie shooter? I haven't used one of those in years. Can't help you with that one!
Katherine said…
I've never shot a cookie in my life! Ah but earbuds.... My life has been a search for the perfect earbuds. Then, our youngest grandson got tired of hearing me complain and bought me a pair of Dr. Dre Beats. It's an expensive way to quiet a Grandma but it worked.
Nancy said…
I agree with Kathy on the earbuds. I have the same ones from Walmart - they stay in my ears when I exercise and were cheap.

I don't make cookies anymore, so I know nothing about a good cookie press.

I'm glad you were able to hear the owl in your yard. I hope it returns again and again.
Anonymous said…
I just bought Apple EarPods. Love them. They are quite as sound deadening as my SkullCandy earbuds, but they are a LOT more comfortable and the sound is good.

SissySees said…
I've never found ear buds that are truly comfy, but I also don't use them much.

I can tell you that Pampered Chef's cookie press loads easily. I just don't like it.
Tanna said…
I could NEVER find a comfortable ear bud that would stay in... hubby got me some Bose ones for a gift... They are amazing! Costly, but amazing. I've got nothing on the cookie shooter. =/ blessings ~ tanna
Jennifer said…
Awww - I love your owl story and the gorgeous bag Al made you. Now you have to make a knit owl to go with it!

Tell fireman that BF and I HATE earbuds. They don't fit in our ears and they hurt. We have given up on earbuds and wear headsets that look like something out of the 1980s. They're noise canceling and don't hurt our ears. We don't look very hip - but we don't care.
KathyTNY said…
Oh wow! My daughter Jessica LOVES owls! She has loved them since she was a little girl! It happened one day when she was spending the day at her Grammie's house (my Mom). At Grammie's birdbath, taking baths, were a family of 4 baby Screech Owls. Momma was in the branch above watching them carefully. She was hooked since them.

Twenty years later that girl has soooooo many owls that she could outfit a whole home, decorate two Christmas trees and never want for owl clothes EVER! She would LOVE that lunch box (tho she has a different owl lunch box already!)

For Fireman - I totally love my Skullcandy ear buds for my ishuffle. I hate apple's ear buds.
Hope that helps.
Lynneb said…
Well, I can't answer your questions, but I do really like that little lunch bucket!

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