Saturday Thoughts

 Third Shawl nearing the finish.....this one is all acrylic.  It is for my friend Helen, who SHRUNK the last wool shawl I knitted for her.  She is a funny one.  She matter of factly, called me up and said I needed to knit her another.....because she loved it but she shrunk it.  

As I recall, it was a Prayer Shawl and I prayed for her while I knit it.  I forgot about that until now...
and I've had to rip and reknit this one a few times this week......
Apparently it's God's way of reminding me that I was forgetting to pray for Helen when I knit this one.  

It is nearly finished...I'll fit a prayer or two in for her before the bind off...

Lake Michigan in its dark glory yesterday....
Fireman and I went to look for water spouts which were predicted....
no spouts sighted.  
Glorious nonetheless. 

Fireman is reading THE SECRET RACE by Tyler Hamilton in which doping by Lance and all the rest is clearly laid out.   He's disgusted.  I told him I' d be disgusted if I found out all the good knitters cheated......
used machines, bought the sweater at TJMax or Bloomingdales'  and blocked it for their blog images....and the like.  
you don't really think............


SissySees said…
LOVE that Lake M photo. Stunning.

It's nice to know knits are loved. The Knight felted a Hemlock Ring a swap partner knitted for me. I cried. Mugsy spent a lot of time under that in his final year, so maybe it's fitting that now, it's not really usable except to evoke bittersweet memories.
Grace said…
you know---I am not sure but I don't think I have ever received a prayers shawl, a lovely wrap once in a swap wtih mohair and beads, and a Summer Flies shawl from another such swap but not one that I believe anyone ever actually prayed over. Hmmmm. I have made lots, none lately and when I am done commission knitting I will make 1/2 dozen charity shawls as my next project! have a wonderful weekend pretend friend!!!
KathyTNY said…
A prayer shawl is a blessing isn't it? Both to give and to receive.

Water spouts...... we have a lake by us that gets water spouts all summer long! They are an awesome sight!
Judy S. said…
Your friend Helen will be very happy with that shawl! Looks like your leaves are still pretty. Ours are coming down fast as it's been rainy and windy. BTW, love your door-witch!
Unknown said…
LOL. I chuckled all the way through this post. Wonderfully written.

Is that witch on your front door? Fabulous!
Nancy said…
The colors of Helen's new shawl are fabulous: she will love it and all the prayers you knit into it.
elise said…
61 I'm so glad to have found this post! I simply love your writing style, and wonderful sense of humor.
The shawl is beautiful, colors are perfect.
Thanks for the great read, love your blog.

kathy b said…
SHe's not my WItch. She lives on the door of a mulitmilliondollar house that is perched on Lake Michigan's shore in KEnilworth....
but I loved her !
Katherine said…
Can't wait to see the shawl finished. It will be beautiful!! I love the colors! I think it's nice to knit prayers into every knitted gift. It doesn't have to be just shawls.

Is using a knitting machine for long sections of knitting, cheating? I don't think so! Do I sound defensive? Have I done it? I'll never tell!!
kathy b said…
NO nO Katherine

I admire machine knitters as long as they say they used a machine!!!! I am sure I could nt figure one out!!!
I love a quilt whether machine stitiched or by hand, as long as the creator tells me which way it was created. BOTH beautiful!
Celia said…
I wanted to believe that the whole drug charges on Lance were just people being vindictive, but now I don't know.
Nicole said…
Love the photo! Well, both of them, but especially the lake. Lovely area!

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