Friday Photo Finish

Potato chip knitting......

Second TGV Shawl
Tricot grande vitesse..... pattern by Susan Ascroft
See Previous posts for..... Yarn specifics

This one is a gift for a dear friend with a November birthday.

I've already cast on the next.

In Acrylic.


SissySees said…
Pretty! Maybe I'll be able to knit this weekend.
Meredith said…
Very nice, my birthday is in July, you can start on mine any time.
Celia said…
It's adorable.
Estella said…
Love the colors - perfect for fall.
Gracie Saylor said…
Lovely colors and design! I am ready to reheat my tea and wrap up in a shawl to crochet for a bit. Thanks for posting. xx from Gracie
Grace said…
But my birthday was two weeks ago not November, thats okay I can wait till november for you to send it, It is very pretty!!! Your friend will Love it!
Katherine said…
Absolutely beautiful!! I love the colors. The recipient will be thrilled I'm sure. I need to check out that pattern.
Alyssa said…
It looks so nice! Can't wait to see the next one :)
Judy S. said…
Great shawl, Kathy! You convinced me and now I have the pattern also. What weight yarn did you use?
We just got back from a visit to the Midwest; you're right the trees were gorgeous! It was chilly though......
kathy b said…

Dream and Madelintosh yarns!
Nancy said…
Oh my, it's beautiful. I like the design and all that garter stitch - potato chip knitting at its best!
Nancy said…
I just purchased the pattern -- now to find the perfect yarn.
Lynneb said…
Oh, pretty!
Anonymous said…
How beautiful! What a fortunate friend.
fancystitching said…
LOVELY! I know she will love this gift. I'm being drawn more to shawls and such... funny because I really did not think I would. Now WHAT will I do with all that sock yarn while I race off in another direction for knitting? Thankfully there is no expiration date on the yarn.
Unknown said…
Beautiful shawl...the fall colors are perfect.
Robin said…
I really like this shawl pattern. You chose perfect colors for fall.
gMarie said…
Stunning! It's adorable. Enjoy the knitting. g

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