5 Days of Themes

Sometimes it is easier to write with a prompt.  So I'm going to list 5 days of themes for this week.   If you wish to join in, hooray. The more the merrier.  Each day will involve some knitting thoughts and some completely unrelated thoughts.....because you know how random I can get....

Tuesday, today:

The Joy of Mammograms and the Joy of Finding a Lost Needle


The Joy of Fall Foliage and the Joy of the Right Knitting Spot


The Joy of Seeing Wildlife and the Joy of Fingerless Gloves


The Joy of a New Appliance and the Joy of Yarn in the Mail

And FInally


The Joy of Sleep of course, and the Joy of Knitting for a Co workers new grand baby.

So, Im off to have my mammogram for the year and I'm so excited about it.  Just can't wait to get in a gown and freeze my chest off waiting to be called in.  Just can't wait to answer whether I've gained any weight this year, and just can't wait to hold my breath a few times.   What I really can't wait for , though, is the news that all is well......

and as far as finding a lost needle........this happened many a time on our recent car trips.  I do not recommend a car that makes needle retrieval nearly impossible without pulling over to the side of the road.  And, yes, I was the passenger.   However, the joy of finding the needle again, is close to the joy of finding my wedding rings on the carpet at work the other night.....but that's another story......


Katherine said…
Great themes!! Wedding rings on the carpet reminds me of mine being in the bottom of the trash can a few days ago. It was swept off the bathroom counter when I took it off to keep it from getting gooey with moisturizer. Thankfully we found it after a determined search.
gMarie said…
so glad you found your wedding ring! and that's why I knit with circs in the car! Less likely to lose one. And yes - even the hubbies car makes finding a needle difficult. In fact, there's still one waiting retreival (I was using it as a cable needle).
Alyssa said…
I need to get a mammogram. I keep saying ill schedule one after (blank). Right now, it's after I finish my master's work. My grandma had breast cancer at 30, and a mammogram at 22 could have saved her breast. I keep meaning to do it but put it off because I don't know where to start.
Nancy said…
My "girls" had their photos taken in July. The technician still remembers the day I fainted during my mammogram, and that was over two years ago. Note to self: if you feel lightheaded, ask to sit down immediately. ;oD
Celia said…
I call it DR. Mush-n-Squoosh
SissySees said…
Thanks for the reminder. I need to call and find out why they haven't scheduled my smashogram.

I had my wedding band fly off a cold finger under the fire engine at roll call one morning. After a long, lanky co-worker retrieved it from too near the floor drain, he suggested that I NOT wear it at work... Hem.
Olivia said…
I'm waiting for fall foliage down in Virginia... 80 and humid today and tomorrow, not looking good.
Nicole said…
I am all about the Joy of Sleep!

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