Sequoia National Park Trees and Knitting

It is difficult to describe the size of these giant trees.   Perhaps if I tell you I felt like I was in a Faery Tale it would help describe them.   They were magical.  The few people we saw while we were in the groves were silent as we were.   These living trees evoke such a feeling of wonder in you as you walk among them.   The Sequoias were a highlight of the trip.  One hates to imagine them cut down, but for a moment I imagine them turned into knitting needles.....and I'm sure every person in the world would have a pair of wooden needles in their hands from just one tree.


Celia said…
The trees are amazing!
Meredith said…
My favorite place on earth is Muir Woods north of San Francisco where the Sequoia trees are in abundance, The size, the smell the beauty overwhelm me every time I have been blessed to visit. I understand how you feel, amazing.
Katherine said…
Sequoia knitting needles. Hmmmmmm. No, we can't think about such things. The trees might attack!! They are beautiful and peaceful.
What was the lucky knitting project that got to experience the Sequoias?
Jennifer said…
Ha! I love the way you think - knitting needles for everyone. : D
Unknown said…
Great picture of the trees! They are awesome in every way. It's been many years since I vacationed through the Redwoods and Yosemite, but those memories are secure in the memory stick of my mind. How nice to see your recent pictures and hear that you made lots of progress on your knitting project!
Nancy said…
When I visited the redwood forest in Northern Californian, I kept expecting to see a glimpse of an Ent. Yes, these forests are truly magical.
SissySees said…
I love your photos, and Nancy's comment. We have Ents in my woods. Gretchen is half crup AND comes from a long line of Faerie steeds, and she assures me, we have Ents, even if my mortal eyes can't see them.
kathy b said…
I learn so much from my friends in blogland...I thought an ENT was an Ear Nose and Throat doc. Couldn't imagine why they'd be in the forest...
hahha thank goodness for wicipedia
Nicole said…
Aren't they lovely? I've grown up spending summer vacations among them, so I can't remember the first time I saw them. Sometimes the trees fall... Maybe we could make knitting needles from those...
Kym said…
They ARE magical! Thanks for sharing!
Judy S. said…
Takes lots of folks to hug one of these, doesn't it? Our n'bor's boy brought home a seedling years ago, and not it towers over our yard and theirs. Did you get to see the drive through tree?
kathytny said…
Those and the lovely Ponderosa Pines are some of my fave trees on this lovely planet.

Better to keep thinking about bamboo knitting needles and not these lovely trees.
Wow! Lovely photos!! This would be my dream knitting!!

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